Kate Middleton reveals ‘Big 5’ poll results


After launching what Kensington Palace has called a ‘milestone’ in its charitable work, Duchess Kate is ready to reveal the results of her ‘5 Big Questions’ survey after nearly a million people answered her call to action.

The findings reveal what the Palace calls “unparalleled insight” that will help shape key areas of the Duchess of Cambridge’s attention to early childhood development and how it shapes the rest of our lives.

On Tuesday, November 24, Kate received details of the results during a virtual briefing at Kensington Palace with Kelly Beaver, an executive at research firm Ipsos MORI, with whom she has partnered for the investigations.

In photos shared by her team, a passionate Duchess can be seen in an ivory blazer carefully taking notes alongside detailed prints she keeps in a filing cabinet.

Kate Middleton

Kensington Palace

The announcement follows Kate’s nine years of work, which has included dozens of engagements across the UK, convening a panel of experts, as well as privately studying the effects of difficult experiences. from childhood to early childhood and how they often originate. cause of problems such as poor mental health, family breakdown, drug addiction and homelessness.

With the results (see below) now collated, a Kensington Palace spokesperson said BAZAAR.com that “next year, the Duchess will announce ambitious plans to help elevate the importance of early childhood.” Its aim is to make a positive change in the lives of children under five across the country and also reduce the need for late intervention, which in England and Wales alone accounts for around $ 22.7 billion in government funding.

At an online forum on Friday, November 27, Kate will deliver a keynote before discussing the research findings and the crucial role the early years can play in shaping our future.

“Over the past decade I have met people from all walks of life,” she should say. “I have seen that experiences such as homelessness, substance abuse and poor mental health are often rooted in difficult childhood. But I have also seen how positive protective factors in early childhood can play a crucial role in shaping our future.

Kate Middleton

Kensington Palace

His speech continues, “The early years are not just about how we raise our children, but actually how we raise the next generation of adults. They concern the society that we will become.

The Duchess of Cambridge’s words will be heard by a number of key individuals – including professors, pediatricians and seasoned clinicians – who will all have a role in the Duchess’s future work in this area.

Kate launched her ‘5 Big Questions for Under-Fives’ survey to congratulate the early childhood sector, visiting six cities across the UK to talk to people about their experiences and opinions on children’s first year of life . The survey was commissioned by Cambridge’s Royal Foundation.

In what Kate and market research firm Ipsos MORI call their ‘5 Big Insights’, the results (from 527,898 responses worldwide and 435,141 people in the UK) yielded the following points:

  • Exactly 98% of survey respondents believe that a child’s future is not predetermined at birth and that education is critical to lifelong outcomes. However, only one in four people recognize the importance of the first five years of a child’s life.
  • The reality of life makes it difficult for parents to prioritize their well-being (90% of people consider parental mental health and well-being to be critical to a child’s development, but only 10% of parents reported taking the time to look after their own mental well-being when asked how they prepared for the arrival of a baby). ‘Worryingly’, survey results shared by Kensington Palace reveal that ‘more than a third of all parents (37%) expect the COVID-19 pandemic to have a negative impact on their long-term mental well-being. “
  • Seventy percent of parents feel judged by others, and half admit it negatively impacts their mental health.
  • Parents’ loneliness increased during the pandemic from 38% to 63% due to the cut-off of friends and family. The increase in parental loneliness is more apparent in disadvantaged areas.
  • Across the UK, 40% of parents believe that community support has increased significantly during the pandemic (although this percentage is 7% lower in the most disadvantaged areas).

    Along with Kate’s survey launched in January, information was also gleaned from a “nationally representative” face-to-face survey of more than 3,700 people, a survey of the impact of COVID-19, a in-depth research on the importance of the early years, and ethnographic research with 12 families.

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