Katherine Heigl becomes brutally honest about claims that were “hard” to work with


“I might have said a couple of things you didn’t like, but then it degenerated into ‘she’s ungrateful’, then it turned into ‘she is difficult’, and it degenerated into ‘ she’s not professional, ”she said. “What’s your definition of difficult? Someone with an opinion you don’t like? Now I’m 42, and this shit pisses me off.”

“I deeply regret that I scared them like that,” she said. “But I just couldn’t control it. I had no tools.”

Years later, Katherine sought help from a therapist to deal with her anxiety. “I asked my mother and my husband to find me a place to go that could help me because I felt I would rather be dead,” she says. “I didn’t realize how much anxiety I was going through until I got so bad that I really had to ask for help. You can do a lot of work on the inner soul, but I am a big Zoloft fan. “


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