Katherine Heigl faces ‘tough’ reputation in Tell-All interview


Even so, Katherine said she faced unintended consequences for her actions. Grey’s Anatomy The actress believed her reputation wouldn’t matter as long as the movies she starred in were profitable. Like she said, “You can be the most horrible, difficult, horrible person on the planet, but if you make them money, they are going to keep hiring you.”

But, as she noted, the projects that followed the success of 27 Dresses and The sad truth didn’t “make that much money.”

Becoming an outcast in Hollywood inflicted major damage to Katherine’s sanity.

“I think my family, my mother, my husband, my friends were scared. And I deeply regret having scared them like that, ”she recalls. “But I just couldn’t control it. I had no tools.”

It was only in the years which followed the reception of his son, Joshua Jr., that the star was ready to face her weakened emotional state. Katherine revealed, “I asked my mom and my husband to find me a place to go that could help me because I felt I would rather be dead.”


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