Katy Perry has again contacted Taylor Swift, and the fans are in an earthquake. (Photo: AP / GETTY)

Last year, Katy Perry sent Taylor Swift an olive branch as she began a tour of concerts in order to end a long quarrel that was simmering. On Tuesday, she added cookies, at least virtual, in an Instagram message including a friendship offer.

The fans of Jubilant celebrated the current rapprochement and then speculated with joy on the possibility of a collaboration between the two superstars of music.

In his Tuesday article, Perry simply stated, "Let's be friends" in the text that accompanied the photo of a plate of chocolate chip cookies surrounded by two signs of peace and "PEACE AT LAST" in glossy red.

Perry then directly contacted his music superstar, "Feels good ay @taylorswift", which prompted the acceptance of 13 hearts by Swift, for whom 13 is a lucky number.

More: Katy Perry, Taylor Swift's quarrel closes on an olive branch in the literal sense, fans call for peace in the world

Perry posted a similar tweet in the same sense that read "feels good taylorswift @ Let's Be Friends," punctuated with an orange heart.

Fans have long been questioning the quarrel between the performers. Rumors arose after Swift told Rolling Stone that "Bad Blood", a single from his 2015 album "1989", was talking about another female artist.

More: Katy Perry confirms Taylor Swift quarrel: "It's time for her to finish it"

Many fans expressed their joy at what appears to be a growing bond between the two. Carly Heading (@carlyylalaa) replied: "my heart !!!!!"

@swiftiePils interpreted the Perry-Swift communication by making an even wider connection: "The two fandoms together"

Others, including @ErepSnake, wanted the friendship to translate into a musical couple.

Neither the Instagram article nor the tweet that accompanies it mention the possibility of a collaboration, but Perry also dropped another Instagram-encrypted article and tweet shortly before the Swift campaign, which which could lead fans to ask even more questions about their future musical projects.

With his messages on social networks, Perry is certainly up to this famous phrase of showbiz: let them always want more.

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