Katy Perry urges fans after election to express love to parents ‘who disagree’ with them politically – and leftists are pulverizing her


Unsurprisingly, leftists continue to display a disorderly hatred and lack of mercy towards anyone who does not see the world through its flawless lenses.

Their latest victim is singer Katy Perry, who committed a heinous sin after the media declared former Vice President Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election against President Donald Trump.

See, she actually urged her fans to contact family members who don’t share their political views – and express love to them.

Pear tweeted “The first thing I did when the presidency was called was text and call my family members who disagree and tell them that I love them and that I’m here for them. #FamilyFirst. Call your family today. Happy Sunday. ”

Oh, heresy! Oh, the scandal!

How did people react?

As you can imagine, the leftists didn’t appreciate Perry’s kindness and accused her of being a bit too lenient towards those they believe to be racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Hitler worshipers and deniers of science. Or something.

Here is a sample:

  • “The truth is rich white people like you have NEVER been in danger, no matter who wins this election,” commented one commentator. said. “For you, it’s more of a disagreement of opinions – for the rest of us this election was a matter of life and death in many ways. So no, I won’t call my family to console them. . “
  • “It is very good to know that white supremacy is not a deciding factor for you,” another commentator Noted.
  • “I refuse to bow down to my oppressors”, another commentator reacted. “I refuse to extend an olive branch to people who don’t think I should exist.”
  • “You may disagree on pizza toppings [sic] and TV shows, Katy, not basic human rights and decency, “another observer said.
  • “‘Yes family, I forgive you for wanting to deny the human rights of marginalized people; after all, I would hate Sunday dinner to be embarrassing,” another user joked.
  • Another commentator Free “Better options,” which were to “call friends and family traumatized by 4 years of hate and ask them what they need,” and “call Republican friends and family but who voted for Biden and thank them for putting people above politics ”as well as“ slapping racism out of the way ”.

Insider said representatives for Perry did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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