Kelley O 'Hara seizes the American flag, wins over the internet with an after-game kiss and a locker room celebration


LYON, France – American women's football superstar Kelley O. Hara is known for rescuing the American flag that fell to the floor after her team's victory for the second time in a row at the World Cup.

The United States won the Women's World Cup for the fourth time after beating the Netherlands 2-0 on Sunday night during the Dutch women's team's first ever participation in a World Cup final.

But as the team celebrated its historic victory, flag teammate Allie Long fell to the ground.

O 'Hara did not hesitate a second and rushed to pick up the flag, earning her accessories online.

But it was not the only time to attract the attention of people online. O Hara illuminated social media with her post-match kiss with her girlfriend.

The celebration continued in the locker room, where photos showed her drinking beer while holding the championship trophy – to the fans' delight.

O'Hara, from Fayetteville, Georgia, has started almost every game of the American team. She is an unsung hero of the Americans and earned applause for her clever physical play and hard defensive work. His personality is also a mark of the American swagger team.

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"We have such a deep team and we have people who can do the job at any cost," she told The Associated Press after winning the semi-final against England. "This is one of the most interesting aspects of this team. We really have such a strong team from top to bottom. "

O'Hara went to Fayetteville's Star's Mill High School and played at youth clubs in Peachtree City before going to Stanford University in California. She currently plays for Utah Royals FC.

Jonathan Raymond and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


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