Kellyanne Conway says her husband has changed his mind about the work of administration, contradicting Trump


Kellyanne Conway addresses reporters outside the West Wing in February. (Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP)

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said Sunday that her husband had withdrawn her name from the bid for a position in the Trump administration, a story that contradicts President Trump's assertion that he "did not give him the job he so desperately wanted".

In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," Conway was asked about the intensification of the feud between the president and her husband, conservative lawyer George Conway.

"What I'm going to tell you is that George was very supportive of President Trump, cried the night of the elections with his MAGA hat, just steps from the Hilton New York, wanted to fill a position within the Trump administration and changed his mind, and was the guest of the president and the first lady a few months after his withdrawal from the bid, "Conway said.

She added that when her husband "withdrew his name, he said that he would continue to support the president and his program and, quote, the work of his wonderful wife, so if that has changed, I have not changed. "

This month, Trump said in a tweet that he had refused George Conway for a position in his administration. The tweet came after Conway's suggestions that Trump's mental health was deteriorating.

"George Conway, often called Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife's success and angry that I did not give him, with his help, the work that he so desperately desired" said Trump in the tweet, calling Conway a "loser and a hell husband!"

The 2020 campaign director, Brad Parscale, took over Trump's tweet a few days earlier, claiming that the president "had refused Kellyanne Conway's job for a job he was desperately looking for" and that "had been fired / resigned".

In an interview with The Washington Post, George Conway challenged the idea that Trump had decided not to give him work.

Conway said he had chosen not to work at the Justice Department after Trump had offered him a position at the head of the civilian division because he had seen him attacking the department's leaders and then fired James B. Comey as FBI Director in May 2017.

In recent months, Conway has sharpened his criticisms of Trump, denouncing his actions more explicitly. Conway had initially adopted a more neutral tone towards the president.

Kellyanne Conway was asked Sunday what her husband's motives were for continuing to severely criticize Trump.

"Do you think he's doing cyberbullying here to try to make you quit?" Asked host Chris Wallace. "Do you think he's jealous of your reputation?"

"Some people think that," she replied. "And they certainly do it. My first line of protection in this world is and will always be my four children. So, I do not like talking about it publicly. "

She refused to answer the questions asked at the end of the interview if the gap between the political views of her husband and her husband had hindered their marriage.

"Oh, Chris, what are you, Oprah now?" She asked. "I mean, what am I on a couch and you're a psychiatrist? I think that's a really inappropriate question, and here's why: it's the line that no one should have gone through. "

John Wagner contributed to this report.


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