Kellyanne Conway: "We have an unserious congress" on finding solutions in immigration | Video


Kellyanne Conway, advisor to President Donald Trump, joins Meet the Press for an exclusive interview dedicated to the president's immigration reform and his plan to move immigrants to sanctuary cities.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: Chuck, first of all, thank you for recognizing that it was a crisis. It was not long ago that members of the mainstream media and the Democratic Party denied that the word was even used. And nothing less than President Obama's Homeland Security Director – the Secretary Excuse Me, Jeh Johnson, has called it a crisis several times. You can not look at the numbers and deny that we have a crisis.

In our opinion, this is a security crisis and a humanitarian crisis. We have 103,000 migrants apprehended or unable to cross the border last month alone. And the flow is so different. For years, it was single men from Mexico who could be sent back safely to their home country. Now we have more and more families, family units from these three northern triangle countries and unaccompanied children. Can you and I assure each other and everyone watching today that we know what happens to these minors once they are released in this country?

Congress can solve this problem easily. All the time they spend reacting to each Donald Trump tweet or the president's statements, they can sit down and do three things quickly. They can repair TVPRA, which is, by and large, the Victims of Trafficking Act, which encourages adults to take the arms of young children. And they know it's easier to come here.

Second, correct Flores. Flores is a judicial decision that is hostage to our ability, as a nation, to have a little more time to process these refugee claims. After 20 days, we must release the children inside this country. Third, correct the asylum law so that those who have a credible asylum claim can get it processed more quickly. We have just too many people. And that 's why the President is looking for more money, more resources, more technology and the help of some of these cities …

We need more immigration judges. In fact, his 70-point immigration plan that he presented to Congress in October 2017 includes more judges. And I believe that even what Congress was ready to adopt or adopt included 75 new immigration judges and all the support that went with it, the support staff, etc., in addition to the new technologies at the border. . So, those who vote for this, those who voted for HR 6, the most important bill in our country to fight the drug crisis, every Democrat presidential candidate who sits in the House or Senate has voted for, he admitted to having a drug crisis at the border. It is there that methamphetamine and heroin, cocaine and fentanyl spill out. So let's try to work together. But we have an unserious Congress that is not, does not come to the table. And the Republicans have not managed to do their job, while they were in charge, no doubt. And the Democrats now can not get together in the House. Let's fix it.


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