Ken Jennings, Jeopardy! Champ And Soon Host, apologize for the tweets – Deadline


Even the greatest of all time can sometimes be wrong. Jeopardy! Ken Jennings – who earlier this year won the game show tournament to determine the best Jeopardy! all-time champion – posted a tweeted feed of apologies for the insensitive social media posts he made in the past.

Jennings’ tweeted apology comes as he prepares to start his run as the first Jeopardy! host to follow longtime Jeopardy! master of ceremonies Alex Trebek, who died earlier this year after a 36-year stay.

Jennings’ welcoming duties at Jeopardy! will start on January 11. The search for a permanent host continues.

The tweets that prompted the apology concerned Jennings’ comments in 2014, when he posted, “Nothing sadder than a sexy person in a wheelchair.”

When someone retweeted this comment in 2018, Jennings responded on Twitter saying, “I never did a public flogging for this, but I have personally apologized to the angry / hurt people who contacted personally. It was such an inane joke it meant something very different in my head [and] I regret the simple capacitist reading of it.

Jennings also made several tacky social media jokes about a Star Wars fan, an 11-year-old Barron Trump, an elderly grieving grandmother.

Apology feed of the day:


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