Kentucky Democrat announces a challenge to McConnell


Former Navy candidate and former congressional Democrat, Amy McGrath, announced Tuesday that she was launching a 2020 challenge against the majority leader in the Senate. Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellKobach is running for the Senate in Kansas This week: MPs return on the eve of Amach 3 days after the fall of Amash, Democrats should abandon the White House campaigns – and to run for Senate PLUS (R) in Kentucky.

McGrath has published a three-minute campaign video, titled "The Letter," which shows that she and other Kentuckians writing letters to their senator expressing concerns about the health care, affordable jobs and universities.

"All that's wrong in Washington has to start somewhere. How did you get there? McGrath said the video. "Even within our own families, we can no longer speak to the leaders of our country without anger and reproach."

She said that McConnell "was elected a lifetime ago and has, little by little, year after year, turned Washington into something we all despise."

She claimed that "budgets, health care and the Supreme Court are being held hostage" at a congress chaired by the Republican leader who sits in the Senate since 1985.

"A place where ideals will die," she added.

"Today 's challenge lies within each of us. How can we reconcile our belief in fundamental human decency with our anger against those who block progress at all costs? Asked McGrath in the video of the campaign. "There is a way to restore the moral compass of our countries, where each of us is heard and where we can once again become the moral and economic leader of a world in disarray."

McGrath was one of Congress's most prominent Democratic candidates during the mid-year campaign of last year. The former fighter pilot was one of the best fundraisers in the cycle, and narrowly lost his attempt to dislodge Rep. Andy BarrGarland (Andy) Hale BarrDemocrats are preparing to use McConnell's Legislative Cemetery against him 58 GOP lawmakers vote against disaster bill Dying on the trail: horse racing is at the crossroads (R-Ky.) In the 6th district of Kentucky Congress.

Leader of the Senate Minority Charles SchumerCharles (Chuck) Ellis SchumerSusan Collins says he does not regret Kavanaugh's vote "The slightest risk". for national security Nobody talks about GOP A senator presses Instagram, Facebook against alleged bias in content recommendations PLUS (D-N.Y.) she would have met him at the Democratic Party headquarters earlier this year to explain to him the idea of ​​launching a Senate candidacy against McConnell.

Jesse Hunt, a spokesperson for the National Committee of Republican Senators (NRSC), mocked McGrath's entry into the race.

"Amy McGrath organized a suburban race at KY House in 2018 despite considerable expense. State in 2020 against @Team_Mitch will be infinitely more difficult, "Hunt wrote," Why? She is still the same person who is called "the most progressive person in Kentucky".


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