Kentucky Fried Chicken goes beyond chicken in partnership with Beyond Meat – TechCrunch


Kentucky Fried Chicken goes beyond chicken with its latest partnership.

While other chicken chains compete for the dominance of chicken sandwiches, KFC is doing its part for the planet and is taking its first steps to go beyond the chicken coop with a chicken nugget made from herbs in partnership with Beyond Meat.

The first nuggets are on sale for one day (Aug. 27) at a single restaurant in Smyrna, Georgia.

KFC has already experienced vegetarian offerings outside of the United States. In the United Kingdom, the company offers a "Burger Impostor" on the menu, made from mushrooms and developed with the English company Quorn.

KFC's one-day offer beyond fried chicken is very different from last month's city-wide Burger King spread throughout the city. made for the Impossible Whopper (its Impossible Foods menu item) earlier this year. But this happens when most fast food chains are trying to cope with the growing consumer demand for vegetarian alternatives to traditional dishes.

Beyond the meat The fast-paced chicken raid comes after several big wins for the company with Dunkin 'Donuts, Del Taco, Tim Hortons, Carl's Jr. and TGIFridays.

"KFC is an iconic part of American culture and a brand with which I grew up, like so many consumers. Being able to market Beyond Fried Chicken, in all its KFC-inspired delights, is a testament to our collective ability to meet consumers where they are and to accompany them on their journeys. My only regret is not to have seen the legendary Colonel enjoy this important moment, "said Ethan Brown, founder and CEO of Beyond Meat, in a statement.

Chicken is one of the next battleground for alternative protein suppliers, even if they are not just considering plant-based chicken substitutes. Companies like Memphis Meats (and, apparently, Just) are working on lab-grown meat grown from animal cells.

News of KFC's and Beyond Meat's challenge to conventional chicken chains pushed Beyond Meat's share price to nearly 6%, or $ 8.28 per share, to close at $ 155.13.


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