Kentucky has a primary election today. Here's what to watch for.


Kentucky voters choose candidates Tuesday for governor and other offices across the country. Governor Matt Bevin, the Republican President, is deeply unpopular, and Democrats realize that it is possible to reopen the position of governor of a red state in the country. ;autumn.

The polls are open until 18 hours. local hour. Here's what to watch for when the results start to happen.

Mr. Bevin, a conservative Republican elected for the first time in 2015, has the dubious distinction of being the least popular governor of the country, according to Morning Consult survey organization. And while Kentucky is red in federal elections, Democrats have often been successful in state competitions, which gives them hope that they will be able to replace Mr. Bevin in November.

Their success will depend in part on their candidate. There are four choices: the state representative, Rocky Adkins; Andy Beshear, Attorney General of the State; Adam Edelen, a former auditor of the state; and Geoff Young, activist and long-term political candidate.

[[[[This is our results page for the Kentucky governor's primary.]

Mr. Beshear is the best known and his father, Steve Beshear, was governor from 2007 to 2015. He focused his campaign on economic issues, including health care and the pension crisis in the state. The Naral abortion rights group supports it, which could be important given the increased focus on abortion policy in state legislatures. Kentucky, along with a number of other states, has passed this year an extremely restrictive law on abortion, known as the "heartbeat law". – although it has not yet come into force – and Mr Bevin has called himself "the most pro-life governor in America." . "

But Edelen energized Liberal Kentuckians and received important endorsements, including from the state's largest newspaper, The Courier Journal. Mr. Adkins, who has focused on rural areas of the state, has the support of worker groups and is on the other side of the debate about abortion: he voted for the abortion bill, which would ban the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy, and he supported other restrictions in the past.

Mr. Young did not campaign much, the Courier Journal reported, and should not win.

Bevin is facing three major Republican opponents, but despite his low approval rating, polls show him well ahead of him.

The state's representative, Robert Goforth, Bevin's most powerful competitor, runs to his right, although the governor himself is very conservative. Mr. Goforth criticized Mr. Bevin's combativeness and his penchant for insults, which is also a frequent complaint among voters.

The two other Republican candidates, Ike Lawrence and William Woods, are conducting "limited campaigns," according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.


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