3 students with arson in Nyeri


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Three years of high school students at Arson in Nyeri

While appearing before Senior Principal Philip Mutua, the students denied the charges and were released We have a cash lease of Sh100,000 or a bond of Sh300,000 each.

The charge sheet indicated that the trio, together with others not before short, willingly burnt a dormitory value at Sh5 million on Sunday, July 15, 2018.

The students are a 15-year-old Form One and two Form Ovens aged 17.

Police in Kieni West had arrested 24 students in connection with the fire on Sunday. 19659004] The Nyeri juvenile remand if they fail to raise their lease of cash or bond

The case will be mentioned on Tuesday, July 31 this year. school was charged with arson and murder in 2010 (19659004) The case against the killing of two clbadmates in a fire incident. 2010 at Endarasha School in Nyeri, they were murdered by Mr Kennedy Karogo and Mr Joseph Mwangi

They are suspected to have set the school dormitory, named Wambugu Fr, where 180 Form One students slept

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