& # 39; Hookers & # 39; Narok crowd like the wheat harvest, the wildebeest migration season begins


"I'm from Nairobi but I'm relocated to Narok, business is fine"

It's the season of wheat harvest and wildebeest migration in Narok County. It is a season the county capital, the city of Narok and the centers near Masai Mara Game Reserve come to life as seasonal investors to cash.

Every year between July and September, Narok turns into a hive of activity, as many types of people like wheat buyers, farmers, truck drivers flock to the city to get a "Fair share" of farmers' incomes.

However, twilight girls, like wildebeest migration The Maasai Mara National Reserve in the same county, emigrated from different cities to "appease" the farmers after a four-month wait for the harvest.

As discovered Crazy Monday the prostitutes arrived in July. have pitched tents in the city of Narok and other nearby trading centers like Suswa, Nairegia-Enkare, Ntulele and Ololung's in anticipation of the big party.

Call girls have "emigrated" from Nairobi, Thika, Bomet, Kisii and Nakuru towns to prov "Services" to "wheat tycoons" and get their share of cake.

While many of them come purely for "business", some come with malicious intent to steal wheat farmers, leaving them crying. [19659003] Ben Ole Nchoe, a resident of the Ntulele Mall, where wheat is grown on a commercial scale, said Crazy Monday that some of the prostitutes are annual visitors who are known in the center.

prostitutes) have already arrived. They come and rent houses here and pay them for a good three months on purpose to entertain wheat farmers, traders, drivers and other boaters, "said Nchoe.

Those in the city of Narok Crazy Monday hangs around the popular entertainment venues in the city where they practice their craft, targeting "laden" farmers.

In order to steal their client, the girls, they say, employ all kinds of Some "spike" drink "mchele", before lugging guests into the rooms, while claiming to support them to walk by ransacking the pockets.

Up to Now, no horrible incident, as it happens, has been reported.The county security team has warned farmers against such girls by urging them to accept cashless transactions by demanding payments banking.

Ronald Mwiwawi, deputy county commissioner, pointed out that each harvest season triggers many activities.

The Commissioner said that there have been many cases before that of farmers who lost their entire crop for prostitutes, thieves and people who offered bargains that never materialized [19659003] ". It's the wheat harvest season and everyone wants to have a piece. We urge our farmers to be very cautious about people who want to steal their sweat seductively or fraudulently, "advised Mwiwawi.

To limit the loss of money, the county commissioner called on farmers to

Mr. Mwiwawi, however, reaffirmed that the county welcomes all kinds of visitors, but will be vigilant about those who will engage in illegal activities by saying that the law will take its course.

] "Any visitor is the welcome to Narok in the high season, but those who have malicious intentions such as prostitution, fraudsters, thieves we will not tolerate. They will face the full force of the law, "warned the administrator.

Ann Wanjiru, 22, one of Nairobi's seasonal prostitutes expressed optimism that this season they were in the harvest as a boom crop is expected. "Mimi huwa Nairobi lakini siku hizi tumehamia Narok mpaka July hivi. Biashara sio mbaya ju tunaenda Maasai Mara na kurudi and wateja ni wengi (I am from Nairobi but I moved to Narok, business is good, » said Njeri, adding that they charge between Sh1,000 to Sh1,500 per night and Sh500 per "shot."

At the same time, trading centers near the famous Masai Mara game reserve such as Nakoilale, Mararianda , Siana and Sekenani also receive an influx of twilight girls, targeting tour guides, tour operators and even tourists.

"This year's migration is the best. This is the first time each hotel / camp is entirely reserved. "We are also witnessing the" migration "of twilight girls from all walks of life," said Solonka Siololo, a resident of Mararianda

adding that shopping centers near the park attract prostitutes because the majority of Tourist guides can not pay. which are as expensive as Sh20,000 to Sh30,000 depending on the clbad of the hotel.



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