Morocco advances towards energy independence with a new wind farm of 170 million dollars


Being the only country in North Africa without significant oil and gas reserves, Morocco has long been an energy importer. But with a look at energy independence, the country is moving to renewable energy by investing in multiple energy projects.
As part of these reforms in its energy mix, the government is committed to producing 42% of electricity from renewable sources. The sources of energy by 2020 and 52% by 2030.
Last week, Morocco took the first step towards the production of renewable energy by inaugurating the park. Khalladi wind turbine of 120 MW in the city of Tangier. Built at a cost of 170 million dollars, the farm was developed by the firm ACWA Power based in Riyadh
For an energy importer like Morocco, the launch of the wind farm could accelerate its ambitions to reduce its energy dependence. "We have the privilege of contributing to the long-term economic and social development of Morocco through the establishment of an efficient and environmentally friendly energy policy that brings online a significant capacity of supplying energy. reliable electricity utilizing the Kingdom's renewable energy resources. "Paddy Padmanathan, President and CEO of ACWA Power, said:" We are proud not only of being able to provide renewable energy at the cost lowest possible for industries and people of the Kingdom, but also add value to the social and economic development of the country and the communities within which our power plan "The Khalladi Wind Farm is also the first transaction in the Kingdom of Morocco which is eligible for IREC green credits and has also obtained Gold Standard certification. "
This new addition to the Plan's efforts Morocco is a private investment financed by the ACWA Power Investment Fund and ARIF. The wind farm is expected to provide electricity to a city of 400,000 and reduce more than 144,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
"The Moroccan energy sector offers interesting investment opportunities thanks to a well-established regulatory framework by the Moroccan government and because the country has already attracted significant investments in solar energy and wind, which has allowed ACWA Power to deliver in six years NOORo I (160 MWe) solar plant and Khalladi wind farm (120 MW) and a series of other investments in construction that , by the end of 2018, will represent a production capacity of 800 MW in the Kingdom, "added Mohammad Abunayyan, president of ACWA Power (1965, p, n, t, s)
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