Alfred Keter swears to campaign against looters, lords of transplants


Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter promised to campaign against corruption-related leaders before the general election of 2022.

The legislator said he would take the message of "choices have consequences "throughout the country.

Keter said at a funeral Saturday in Siaya that the campaign will help absolve the Kalenjin community of responsibility for rampant corruption.

The MP said that Kenyans must grasp the fact that those who plunder the state's resources are doing it for them.

"They usually steal from us, looters of this land do it for themselves, not even their families," he said.

He added that companies that are used to siphon funds are registered in the names of the authors.

Keter claimed that Kalenjin leaders had recently been calling for him to slowly oppose Jubilee's succession plan in 2022.

"Some of them m & # 39; called and asked why I was going against the interest of the community.

When they formed the Jubilee Party, President Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice President William Ruto agreed to work two terms each.

The plan was for Uhuru to serve his two terms, which end in 2022, and then Ruto would take over from 2022 to 2032.

But Keter said that he would do the turn of the country and that it would incite Kenyans to seek honest leaders when they would make their choices in 2022.

Some of these Kalenjin leaders are elected to high office, they will
steal everything until Kenyans think that all Kalenjins are still thieves
it is not true. "

Keter said that, as he is also interested in the presidency in the future," corrupt leaders in his community should not be allowed to ruin the
ambition of other young people and rights of the Rift Valley.

MP asked Uhuru to continue the fight against corruption and to ensure that all the beneficiaries of corruption are locked up.

"That should be for that they
do not use the ill-gotten wealth to seek a higher position and continue looting. "

Silas Tiren, MP for Moiben, and Johanah Ng & Emurua Dikirr have pledged to
team up and aggressively support Uhuru's war on grafting.

MEPs want measures to be taken against those related to maize Sh1.9 billion

Keter's latest statement on the 2022 presidential election is expected to deepen the split between Rift Valley leaders with regard to DP Ruto's presidential candidacy

See also: The Court of Appeal call reinstates Alfred Keter as MP for Nandi Hills

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