The tension as the house of the politician is burned


The burned house of the former Ol-Pusimoru MCA Wilson Masikonde. [Photo/Pristone Mambili]

Tension rises to Ol-Pusimoru on the border of Narok and Nakuru counties after a former MCA Wilson Masikonde home was burned down Friday by a section of young people from the area in what is called a political rivalry

. S addressing the media, residents called on the government to ensure peace.

"Peace is paramount in this area, and that is why we said that we will not retaliate, but we ask the government to investigate the matter." David Sankale

Masikonde has claimed that the house had been set on fire by a section of young people sent by the current MCA Wilfred Kuyo

to the electoral petition that he filed in the High Court contesting the Kuyo election.

The High Court overturned Kuyo's victory by obliging him to go to court.

"I have been an advisor to this region for many years. years and an MCA and we have n There were problems, but the incident of Friday, I can just tie it to the electoral petition that was in court, it was decided that we would return to the elections and then my Opponent has moved to the court of appeal, "Masikonde said. However, on the phone, Kuyo refuted claims that he had no connection with the incident.

Nakuru Township Police Commander Hbadan Rashid Barua, who visited the area on behalf of the Narok Township Police Commander.


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