HIV drug banned in Kenya causes holes in babies' spines and heads – new study


It was confirmed that a miracle drug of HIV, partially banned in Kenya in July, causes holes in the spines and skull of some babies.

Kenya was the first African country to provide a generic version of the antiretroviral antiretroviral drug in the middle of last year.

But the Ministry of Health restricted its use in women three weeks ago after studies in Botswana linked it to birth defects in babies.

A major new study released Wednesday at the ongoing international AIDS conference in Amsterdam confirmed that the drug is seven times more likely to produce abnormalities in babies whose mothers took it at the time of conception.

Dr. Rebecca Zash, of the Harvard University School of Medicine, who led the Botswana study, presented new data on 170 neonates born to mothers who took the Dolutegravir before pregnancy

. women who took dolutegravir before pregnancy, "she said.

This neural abnormality can cause big holes in the spine or prevent the formation of the top of the skull.

Zash said, however, that the risk of babies developing conbad abnormality is extremely minimal, standing at 0.67%.

Scientists now plan to examine hundreds of babies before making a final decision whether the drug should be completely removed or preserved.

The researchers indicated that they could also examine Kenyan babies whose mothers were taking the drug during conception.

"It's still a preliminary signal, we need more data to confirm or refute it, it would also be nice to have data from other parts of the world," said Zash.

Dr. Linda-Gail Bekker, President of the International Aids Society, adds: "We are exploring the world to try to collect more data."

If the risk presented by dolutegravir is not different among those of other antiretroviral drugs, researchers could recommend their continued use in women of childbearing age The decision will be made at any time from March of next year.

The drug, manufactured by GSK, is still a preferred treatment because it powerfully suppresses HIV, people are coping with it and drug resistance rarely happens.

Earlier this month, Medical Services Director Jackson Kioko said the drug was not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Limited safety data. "

He ordered that women of childbearing age – between the ages of 15 and 49 – receive first-line treatment with Efavirenz.

Several modeling studies suggest that Despite its defects, dolutegravir could be returned because it is better to remove the virus. So it has more benefits than damage.

A modeling study presented by Caitlin Dugdale of the Mbadachusetts General Hospital shows that avoiding the use of dolutegravir in women of childbearing age carries risks for women, children, and their partners, who may be at risk.

Martha Akello of the Nairobi-based International Community of Women Living with HIV supported this view.

"We want to make a choice on the risk of neural tube defects. . Related: A new HIV viral load test is launched, ending in an hour

Read also: The First Lady discusses the fight against HIV / AIDS with Prince Harry, Elton John

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