UAV flight restrictions are in effect in the UK as of today – TechCrunch


Consumers using UAVs in the UK have new safety restrictions that they must obey today, with a change in the law prohibiting flying above 400 feet or less. one kilometer from an airport border. be accused of reckless or negligent driving in a manner that could endanger an aircraft or a person in an aircraft – punishable by up to five years' imprisonment or a fine unlimited, or both.

the government in May, and were introduced by an amendment the 2016 Air Navigation Order.

They are a stop because the government also worked on a complete drone bill – which was originally planned for the spring, but a

However, drone height and flight restrictions have been advanced, given the obvious safety risks – after an increase from one year to the next reports of UAV incidents involving aircraft. [19659002] The Civil Aviation Authority today published research to coincide with the new laws, claiming that it has found wide support among the public for safety regulations for drones

Commenting in a statement, Jonathan Nicholson, deputy director of the regulator, said: to stay, not only as a recreational hobby, but as an essential tool in many industries – agriculture Blue Light Services – it is therefore crucial to build public confidence through secure UAV flights.

It is heartening to see that Dronecode awareness has continued to increase – a clear sign that most drone users take their responsibility seriously and are a credit to the community, "he added, referring to all (informal) rules developed by the body to promote the safe use of consumer drones – before the government legislates

Additional measures that the government has confirmed legislating for – announced last summer – include a requirement for owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more to register with the CAA, and for drone pilots to pbad an online safety test. that these additional requirements will be applied from November 30, 2019 – with more information about the registration system that will follow next year.

For the moment, however, In fact, British UAV owners simply need to make sure that they do not fly too high or too close to airports.

Earlier this month, the government considered restricting the age of the use of drones. Although it remains to be seen whether these proposals will make it a future draft law on drones.

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