MPs want Rotich, Adan punished on bad sugar


MPs who are investigating the entry of contraband sugar into the country now want cabinet secretaries Henry Rotich (Treasury), Adan Mohamed (East African Community) and Former CS Agriculture Minister Willy Bett is responsible for conspiring to endanger the lives of Kenyans.

Members of the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock of the National Assembly and Trade, Industry and Cooperatives want government officials to be guilty of their actions . the Kenyan sugar market, fears to be mixed with heavy metal elements, including mercury, lead and copper.

Some parastatal business leaders accused of sleeping at work are also charged.

Co-chaired by South Mandera MP Adan Ali and his Kieni colleague Kanini Kega have been investigating the issue since June 19, after Samburu West MP Naisula Lesuuda asked for a ministerial declaration [19659002] The report of the government chemist Ali Gakweli confirmed that the sugar consumed by the military at Moi air base in Eastleigh, Nairobi and Bungoma is laced with heavy metal elements like mercury, copper Tuesday, the 38-member committee was sharply divided on the opportunity to use the report Chemist of government or ignore it when writing his report.

However, a faction led by Simba Arati, MP for Dagoretti North, made his way.

"There is no doubt that the actions of government agents that led to the flooding of the Kenyan market with cheap and toxic sugar were malevolent and that they had to carry their own cross, "A member of the committee said.

The committee also sanctioned Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KeBS), the Authority for Agriculture and Forestry. Food (AFA), Sony Sugar Company among others.

The committee recommended that the KRA recovers about 10.5 billion shillings that the government lost in taxes of 14 companies that imported sugar outside the period

The loss of Sh 10 billion is above the $ 36 billion that the government lost in the VAT and import duty exemptions, according to KRA during the period of waiver from May to December l & rsquo; Last year

Mr. Rotich is on pla this on the three suspicious Gazette notices that he issued in the importation of tax-free sugar between May and December of last year

In the notice 4536 of May 12 as of August 31, 2017, Mr. Rotich did not specify the quality and quantity of sugar to be imported, while his colleague from Agriculture, Mr. Mwangi Kiunjuri, advised him

. The notice also allowed anyone, including unauthorized persons, to import the goods, thus compromising quality and standards.

As if that were not enough, the CS intervened and issued a notice authorizing 14 companies that had imported outside the duty waiver period to clear their shipments by KRA without paying the fee. import.

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