Philippines: Students plant 10 trees if they want to graduate


It is estimated that more than 525 billion trees can be planted as part of this initiative.

The Philippines pbaded a law requiring all high school and college graduates to plant at least 10 trees before they can graduate.

If properly implemented, it is estimated that Philippine law, which aims to combat global climate change, could plant up to 525 billion trees in a generation.

According to Magdalo party representative Gary Alejano, who is behind the legislation, at least 175 million trees would be planted each year.

"With more than 12 million primary school graduates and nearly five million high school students and nearly 500,000 college graduates each year, this initiative, if properly implemented , will guarantee the creation of at least 175 million trees each year.

"In a generation, no less than 525 billion trees can be planted as part of this initiative," he said.

"Even with a survival rate of only 10%, that would mean that an additional 525 million trees would be available for young people to enjoy, when they will now badume leadership leadership," added Magdalo.

According to Independent, the Higher Education Commission and the country's education department will implement and enforce the bill.

During the 20th In the last century, Philippine forest cover has fallen from 70 percent to just 20 percent, making it one of the most severely deforested countries in the world.

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