A fire destroys a dormitory at Kisii High School


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A dormitory at Kisii High School was destroyed by a fire on Tuesday night. Parents and members of the public flocked to the National Boys School after learning that the institution was on fire.

The dormitory is located near the highway Kisii-Keroka

M. James Moracha, parent of a third-year student, He said that he rushed to the school to find out if the students were safe.

"I'm glad all the students are doing well, the teachers have confirmed it," he said.

He called the perpetrators of fires in various schools across the country to stop, saying the incidents were threatening education.

The chairman of the board, Patrick Nyagusia, said that property of unknown value had been destroyed.

"The dormitory, commonly called" Wire House ", was completely destroyed.Nothing was saved.But we are grateful to the county disaster team for their quick response in the fight against the fire, "he said.

The Executive of Kisii County for Administration Mr. Walter Okibo called for calm by saying that investigations were underway to determine the cause of the fire

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