A Kenyan policeman killed, 2 wounded in the Al-Shabab attack – Xinhua


LAMU, Kenya, July 26 (Xinhua) – At least one policeman was killed and two others were seriously injured while three others went missing after a vehicle in which they were traveling was ambushed by al-Shabab militants The commander of the regional police of the coast, Noah Mwivanda, confirmed the incident in the region of Milihoi, which paralyzed the transport in the region

said M Mwivanda. Somali militants ambushed police returning to their camp in Mpeketoni after regular patrols in Al-Shabab-prone areas.

He said that the ambush caused a shootout with insurgents who later disappeared into the forest. Our officers have been injured and may need referrals, "he told Xinhua by phone.

The police commander said two police officers had been hospitalized while the search for the other three was continuing. who requested anonymity stated that the attack had paralyzed operations along the Garsen-Lamu road.

All public service vehicles from Mombasa to Lamu are stranded in the Mkunubi area and Lamu's suburban buses have been banned, police say al-Shabaab militants changed tactics and used improvised explosive devices to attack parts of coastal and northeastern regions. 19659002] It is thought that the group of activists has fighters operating in the Boni forest of the region who has a communication network and mediocre terrain, which slows down the operations. Enditem

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