Abandon Home Posts, says Weta – Mediamax Network Limited


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Edwin Sifuna, general secretary of the ODM Photo / Courtesy

"data-medium-file =" http://www.mediamaxnetwork.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Sifuna-300×200.jpg "data-large-file =" http: //www.mediamaxnetwork .co.ke / wp-content / uploads / 2018/05 / Sifuna.jpg "/>

Seth Onyango and Reuben Mwambingu

The alleged exit of Ford Wetangula from the National Super Alliance (Nasa) provoked political wrangling within the coalition after the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party

The party argued that Ford Kenya could not continue to hold leadership positions in parliament, but it abandoned the coalition that donated seats to its deputies and senators. Wetang & ula announced the party's exit from NASA, claiming that opposition leader Raila Odinga had betrayed the coalition by his surprise handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta. But his remarks have opened a new political front within the coalition with ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, insisting that Ford Kenya must give up its seats in Parliament.

"We invite Ford leaders in Kenya to demonstrate that they no longer consider themselves part of NASA by abandoning all the leadership and headquarters positions they occupy in both chambers. under the coalition, "he said in a statement. Sifuna described the departure of Senator Bungoma from NASA as negligible, saying that NASA was still intact. "For the umpteenth time, we remind Wetang & ula that coalitions are not dissolved at village funerals and barazas." As a seasoned lawyer, he should know that this can not be done. does that by officially writing to the registrar of political parties and informing him of Ford Kenya's decision to leave NASA.If this is Ford Kenya's desire to leave NASA, why is it taking so much time? ", he asked.

Sifuna challenged Wetang's attempts to blame Raila for the death of the coalition. But Ford Kenya party chairman, Boni Khalwale, defended Wetang & ula's badertions by arguing that Raila was responsible for the situation. the misfortunes of the coalition.

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