Advocacy against former CS roads Michael Kamau postponed for the second time :: Kenya


The old CS roads Michael Kamau leaves the court of Milimani in the company of the lawyer James Orengo. [George Njunge /Standard]

Former cabinet secretary Michael Kamau has, for the second time, failed to plead in an anti-corruption court.

million. Kamau, through the intermediary of the lawyer James Orengo, wants his appeal to be decided by the Supreme Court.

The former CS of transport is fighting for the case to be pending before the anti-corruption court quash.

Judge Douglas Ogot was informed that Mr. Kamau had appealed to the Supreme Court and that the application had been certified as urgent. "We pray that this plea be postponed to another date pending the hearing and determination of the petition before the Supreme Court," Orengo said.

However, the prosecution objected to his claim, claiming that the court of appeal had dismissed his appeal, leaving room for prosecution to pursue the case. The state argued that there was no order stopping the pleading of Kamau.

Kamau fought his lawsuits, saying that it is a witch hunt.

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The DPP recommended that he be again accused of abuse of power and non-compliance with the bidding rules.

On May 30, Kamau's plea was deferred after a preliminary objection against the charges.

Kamau is also represented by lawyers Nelson Havi, Mike Osunwa and Wambugu Advocates. The court will make its decision on Friday.

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