Bright students impress Uhuru at the Young Scientists Kenya exhibition


President Uhuru
Kenyatta was impressed Thursday by the bright students who participated in the Young Scientists Exhibition in Kenya

Uhuru, who launched the event at KICC in Nairobi, noted that young innovators hold the future of Kenya.

"The future is here today and we need to support it," he said about the mentorship and education program.

He said that the government will continue to improve science, technology,
Engineer and Mathematics (STEM) in all

Uhuru also noted that the Big Four Agenda will rely heavily on new ideas. Doctors, for example, are using technology for remote diagnostic capabilities [0009004] which is increasing for each of them, he said.

The agenda deals with affordable housing, universal health care, food security and manufacturing.

The President declared that the Government will adopt a new surveillance

Uhuru ordered that the youth event be deployed nationwide over the next year as young innovators are in all parts of the country,

He also challenged
Students emulate prominent scientists in Kenya, an example being Calestous Juma.

Read: The innovators will shine first Exhibition of Young Scientists of Kenya

Read also: Prof Calestous Juma praised as emulating intellectual value

Ireland Ambbadador
Vincent O Neil said the winners will compete in his county. He pledged to support Kenya's program to become the most successful for scientists and other innovators.

Kevit President of YSK
Desai said that they would ensure the success of the platform that is open to the public.


Ninety-two projects were
exposed to the very first YSK exhibition with over 160 high school students

Fridah Cichuhi and Eunice Mwangi, students at Mugoiri Girls High School,
system to prevent vehicles from emitting harmful gases using cigarette filters.

Students noted
that air pollution contributes to global warming, which in turn causes droughts and famines.

Kiangunyi High School students invented a homemade stethoscope made from recyclable materials.
plastic after the collapse of their clbadmate. They say
the stethoscope can be used as a first aid child to check the heart

St Paul High School students John Kilipan and Francis Njoroge invented marijuana.
test kit, inspired by the need to end its use in schools.

Arya Vedic High School Students proposed a road construction route from plastic waste . They noted that reliable, sustainable and less expensive alternatives are needed in Kenya.

Laiser Hill
The students, Livia Ombuna and Ann Naisoi, created biodegradable bags from starch. They said that innovation is needed in the field after the ban on plastic bags.

Maseno School
students invented an app and gadget called
I-Sight to help the
blind navigate their way. The gadget detects what is on the roads and
the color of the traffic lights and sends data, which is communicated verbally, to the phone.

Kisumu Senior
Academy students have proposed a mouse called K adunda Foot to help people with disabilities use computers. A little
the gadget is placed on any type of shoe and acts as a mouse.

Nakeel Boys high school students invented a system to extract diesel from plastics

The students of Njiiri, Edwin Mwangi and Mark Thiong & # 39; o have invented a game called ICO that helps the public to learn more about the taxation and how the deductions are made.

Students from Lukenya School in Machakos County invented an application called School Both to facilitate communication between students and parents
emergency case. bad and arson are some
situations covered by their application, which is used in their school.

Students at St. Joseph High School developed a system for detecting
They noted that overload is one of the leading causes of accidents.

Ken Kiogora of Alliance High stated that the students were happy that they were
given the opportunity to showcase their talent and look for ways to improve the country.

School of Loreto
The student, Linet Kabiru, who has developed a system for making organic fertilizers from water hyacinth, urged the president to seriously consider their proposals

The leaders of today, not tomorrow, "she told him.

The awards ceremony will be held on Friday, the winners will return with fully paid trips to Ireland to visit the Irish Section of Young Scientists.

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