CAS Ababu Namwamba obtains a two-year extension of protection against sugar


Ababu Namwamba, Chief Administrative Secretary of Foreign Affairs (CSA), on Monday successfully concluded a sugar agreement with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) trade bloc.

During an official visit to Zambia, Namwamba obtained a two-year extension of the sugar guarantee currently enjoyed by Kenya.

According to the details of the agreement, Kenya will continue to be protected from unfair competition for two years. the current protection expires in February 2019.

"It was a difficult battle to obtain this two-year extension."


" But we have superbly articulated our position and what has been adopted is win-win I am very happy, "he relayed shortly after the agreement was

He also congratulated the delegation that had been sent to Zambia explaining what the agreement would mean for Kenya. "19659002" This is very good for Kenya because this belt limits our sugar sub-sector against indiscriminate sugar dumping, but we must make good use of this crucial extension so as not to seek another in 2021.

Accelerate now a substantive and effective form in the sub-sector sugar to make our products competitive and fill the current national consumption deficit by more than 989,000 tonnes.

"We need to move the agenda of privatization, cogeneration and biofuel production forward." Other topics Ababu discussed with COMESA state representatives were regional peace and security, and democracy and good governance. the region.

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