Changing the law restricting women's access to affirmative money, Ruto says to the Ministry of Gender


Vice President William Ruto asked the Ministry of Gender to work with Parliament to amend the regulation which requires that a minimum of 100 women be formed to form a group to fund.

He gave an ultimatum of two months, a move that is This could encourage the formation of a larger number of women's groups in the country.

Unlike young people who only need 25 members, the regulations require 100 women to form a group to be recognized.

Ruto made the call at Kasarani stadium when presenting checks worth 115.5 million shillings to women and youth groups in Nairobi County.

The Vice President said that by regrouping, women and young people.

At the same time, Ruto asked Parliament to reconsider its decision to reduce funding for the National Youth Service.

The Vice President said that it was unfortunate that the NYS budget was reduced by Parliament at one point Ruto said: "I want to persuade MEPs that we should not criminalize and demonize the NYS because of the challenges it posed. "

" NYS can be reformed, NYS will be reformed and we will make it compliant so that there is no more corruption. "

Margaret Kobia, Secretary of the Women's Cabinet, Rachel Shebesh and CS Rashid Echesa were present.

Johnstone Sakaja (Nairobi), Mercy Gakuya (Kasarani), Esther Pbadaris (Nairobi) and George Theuri (Embakasi West). ), Waihenya Ndirangu (Roysambu), Charles Kanyi (Starehe), Benjamin Gathiru (Central Embakasi), and Kimani Ngunjiri (Bahati).

Kobia, who called for resuscitation of the NYS, echoed the Vice President's sentiments that the program has benefited many young people across the country.

She said, "Let's not punish young people for the mistakes of some of us."

Ruto said the government's vision was based on the belief that women should be involved on an equal footing with their male counterparts.

It is on this reflection, he said, that the Jubilee Administration has given priority to women's empowerment and gender equality and there is invested huge resources.

"This is in recognition of the crucial and important role that Kenyan women play in our development," said the DP.

Shebesh called for the increase of women's representative funds from the current Sh7 million to 20 million Sh.

Pbadaris said that it was necessary to synchronize the affirmative funds to one so that he can benefit more Kenyans.

stated that certain conditions imposed on women to access the Women's Fund have become a stumbling block for many women.

"We have to find a way to make sure we do not leave anyone behind," she said.

CS Kobia called on young people and women to take advantage of the various affirmative funds saying that such opportunities would not come knocking on their doors.

Since the establishment of the Affirmative Action Fund, 31 billion shillings have been transferred to small and medium-sized enterprises. The Uwezo Fund has disbursed more than 5.8 billion shillings to about 960,000 beneficiaries, while the Women's Enterprise Fund has benefited more than one million women with 13 billion shillings.

The Fund, she added, now boasts an average repayment rate of 94 percent

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