China enters the top 20 innovative economies: ranking of WIPO – Xinhua


WASHINGTON, July 10 (Xinhua) – China was among the 20 most innovative economies in the annual ranking of the Global Innovation Index (GII) released Tuesday by Cornell University and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Switzerland retains its first place this year, followed by the Netherlands and Sweden. According to the ranking, China moved from 4th place in 2017 to 6th place in 17th place after 22nd place last year, although in absolute terms, the country remained the main contributor to entries and key outputs of innovation.

According to the ranking, the United States ranks second after China in terms of the volume of researchers, patents, and scientific and technical publications.

The Director General of WIPO, Francis Gurry, said that the emergence of multipolar innovation strategic direction established by senior leaders to develop a world-clbad innovation capability and to move the structural base of the economy towards more knowledge-based industries that rely on innovation to maintain a competitive advantage. "

Sean Randolph, senior director of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, told Xinhua that China has a considerable innovation capacity and that it is progressing rapidly upwards

Switzerland, Luxembourg and C According to the ranking, hina ranks among the top three in terms of translating investments in education, research and R & D spending into high quality innovation products [19659002] "There is a lot of energy in the entrepreneurial community Randolph

A study of the" best science and technology clusters "in the world has placed the regions around Tokyo-Yokohama and Shenzhen-Hong Kong at the top of the list, while that the United States has the largest number The United Kingdom, Singapore, Finland, Denmark, Germany and Ireland are among the ten most innovative economies.

GII ranked 126 savings according to 80 indicators, al lant of intellectual property deposit rates to the creation of mobile applications. , education expenditures and scientific and technical publications.

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