China joins the 20 most innovative economies, the United States falls to No. 6


China joined for the first time the 20 most innovative economies in the world while the United States withdrew from the top five ranked countries, according to a report released Tuesday by one of its co-workers. sponsors.

The Global Innovation Index 2018 keeps Switzerland in the lead, followed by the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Singapore. The United States moved from fourth place in 2017 to sixth place this year, while China went from 22nd to 17th.

Francis Gurry, chief executive of the World Intellectual Property Organization, said that China's ranking China's rapid rise reflects a strategic direction set by the top leaders to develop a capacity of 39, world clbad innovation and to move the structural base of the economy towards more knowledge-based industries. that rely on innovation to maintain a competitive advantage, "said Gurry." He announces the arrival of multipolar innovation. "

The index, which is at its Eleventh Edition, ranks 126 economies out of 80 indicators ranging from the creation of mobile applications to educational expenditures, scientific and technical publications, and intellectual property rates.

The index is sponsored by the & # 39; 39, WIPO, SC Johnson College of Cornell University and INSEAD, the College of Commerce with campuses in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi.They say that this gives decision-makers global a better understanding of how to stimulate innovation, which "stimulates economic and human development."

According to the report, China's progress in innovation is becoming apparent in several areas. "In absolute values, and in areas such R & D spending and the number of researchers, patents and publications, China is now the first or second largest in the world, with volumes eclipsing most high-income economies. "

The report says China's rapid rise in rankings in recent years has been dramatic and that it is showing the way to other income economies, although only Malaysia, currently 35th in the rankings, continues to approach the top 25.

According to the index, 20 middle-income economies and If we rely on their level of development, the list of "successful innovators This year, including three for the first time – South Africa, Tunisia and Colombia

– Six of them come from sub-Saharan Africa, for any region. South Africa, they are Kenya, Rwanda, Mozambique, Malawi and Madagascar.

Five Eastern European countries – Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, Montenegro and Serbia A return to the list of performers this year – Mongolia, Thailand and Montenegro In addition to Kenya, three other countries are listed on the list of candidates for eight years: Moldova, Vietnam and India.

The least developed countries are Bolivia, Nigeria, Guinea, Zambia, Benin, Niger, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Togo and Yemen

The list of 126 nations includes three countries that climbed 10 places in the rankings: Iran from the 75th to the 65th, Albania from the 93rd to the 83rd and Egypt from the 105th to the 95th. Macedonia, meanwhile, dropped more than 10 places from 61st to 84th.

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