Coal heat energy is less used worldwide, but it is heating up in Vietnam


VietNamNet Bridge – Forty-two percent of the world's coal-fired thermal energy projects are in Southeast Asia. While the use of coal-fired power plants is declining on a global scale, Vietnam has increased the number of its factories.

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The Vietnam has increased the number of coal-fired power plants

According to Rainer Brohm of RB Berlin Hanoi, a consulting firm, only 73% of the world's thermal energy projects have started, while 176% of projects have been reported, mainly due to changes in policies and economic conditions in China and India

GlobalCoal Power Retirements reported that a series of coal-fired power plants with a capacity of 97 GW were shut down in 2015-2018, mainly in the EU, the US and in other OECD countries. the trend continues, the total capacity of coal power generation to close each year will be greater than the new capacity by 2022.

Only 73% of thermal energy projects in the world have started, while 176% of projects have been postponed, mainly due to changes in policies and economic conditions in China and India.

To catch up with the trend, according to Brohm, Southeast Asia will have to invest $ 290 billion in renewable energy in the next decade. Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand would account for two-thirds of ASEAN's total investment in renewable energy, or $ 27 billion.

This means that $ 4.5 billion will have to be invested each year in Vietnam until 2025 to achieve these goals. Renewable energy is becoming more competitive compared to fossil fuel types on a commercial scale.

The Green Innovation & Development Center (GreenID) announced the "Design for Vietnam's Clean Energy Future". According to GreenID's director, Nguy Thi Khanh, the design is built on the basis of scenario research for energy sources in Vietnam. by experts from GreenID.

Experts have written five scenarios to meet the growing demand for energy in Vietnam. They pointed out that after 2020, Vietnam may not need to build more coal-fired power plants, but that it can still maintain its energy system safe with reasonable costs.

Cut 30 GW of coal thermal energy is a "safe" and "acceptable" plan to meet the demand for energy in the future in Vietnam and meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement. This means that 25 coal-fired power projects must be excluded from the national energy development plan

Khanh pointed out that the scenario will help Vietnam to enhance energy security through the reduction of coal imports and new power stations. While coal-fired projects are being cut, Vietnam will not need $ 60 billion of capital to build the power plants.

In addition, it is estimated that Vietnam will avoid 7,600 premature deaths by 2030 through the reduction of coal-fired power plants.


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Nam Chi

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