County finalizes state-of-the-art Gikomba market plans »Capital News

Governor Mike Sonko states that the project that will be undertaken with the national government will end the ongoing market disasters that led to the loss of life and property. / FILE

By SIMON NDONGA NAIROBI, Kenya, July 20 – The Nairobi County Government is finalizing plans for the construction of a modern and upscale Gikomba Market building [19659005ThroughastatementonhisFacebookpageGovernorMikeSonkodeclaresthattheprojectthatwillbeundertakenwiththenationalgovernmentwillputanendtothepermanentdisastersonthemarketthathavecausedlossoflifeoftheconstructionofthenewmarketincludetheconnectionofwaterelectricitytheextensionofthesewagesystemintheareatheinstallationofprojectorsandmonitoringCCTVwell

He stated that City Hall will work with the State Department of Housing, Urban Development and Public Works to ensure that the building complies with all safety and environmental regulations .

Last month, 16 people died after an early morning fire in a section of the expansive market of Gikomba in the Kwa-Mbao area. were in treatment at the Kenyatta National Hospital and other health facilities in the city according to the authorities.

Excited traders read the sabotage, since it is not the first time that such an incident is reported to the market.

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