Court of Appeal quashes election of Kilgoris MP – KBC


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<p><strong>  The Court of Appeal quashed the election of Kilgoris MP Gideon Konchella. </strong></p>
<p>  Upcoming Development Following a successful petition by Julius Sunkuli claiming that the vote was not credible because he was tainted by mbadive electoral maneuvers and ballot stuffing. </p>
<p>  The same court, however, confirmed the election Ndiritu Muriithi as Governor of Laikipia on the grounds that the appeal was inadmissible </p>
<p>  Konchella lost his seat after the judges of the court of appeal invalidated his election on the grounds that Election was not conducted in accordance with the constitution </p>
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In the call, the old Minister Julius Sunkuli had argued that the election was tainted with irregularities The returning officer, the IEBC staff and the police conspired and manipulated the results to favor Konchella.

And Ndiritu Muriithi will continue to serve as governor of Laikipia after a three-judge court at the court of appeal upheld the position of the high court. validly elected in the general election of August 8, 2017.

In a ruling by Sankale J. Ole Kantai, the court dismissed the allegations that Muriithi, who had spent the Jubilee days at the election He would not have been allowed to participate in the election. According to the judges of appeal, the High Court acted under the law in rejecting the petition since the candidacy concerns raised by the petitioner were not within its jurisdiction.

However, it was a stay for the petitioner Sammy Ndung As the judges reduced the cost of petition from 12 million shillings set by the High Court to 4.5 million shillings in saying that the amount was excessive and unreasonable. Meanwhile, Judges Roselyn Nambuye, Hannah Okwengu and Gatembu Kairu will hear the call for an appeal challenging the election of Ann Waiguru as the governor of Kirinyaga in Nairobi.

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Application Will Be Heard Separately August 13 after lawyers representing Waiguru and IEBC claimed that the application would alter the appeal.


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