Cryptocurrency opens access to energy in rural areas


July 19, 2018 • Mines and Energy, Top Stories

  More than a billion people still live without electricity

More than a billion people still live without electricity

Sun Exchange , a The solar micro-leasing market recently announced a new initiative in partnership with the rural mini-grid solution provider, Powerhive who will use crypto-economics to accelerate progress towards universal access to energy. Today, 1 billion people still live without electricity, which severely hampers economic development and basic human rights, including health, education, safety and security. Sun Exchange and Powerhive have a common mission to eliminate global energy poverty by combining decentralized sustainable solar energy with innovative technologies and financial instruments such as blockchain and digital currencies.

Through this new partnership, Powerhive has been designated to pre-finance solar projects from sales of the Sun Exchange SUNEX digital reward token. Powerhive will use funds for the construction of solar-powered rural electrification mini-grids, which include income and livelihood enhancement programs throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

The solar panels that make up these projects will then be sold to Sun Exchange members, who will then be able to own cells as part of the projects and earn decades of "solar energy" from the electricity produced by the projects.

When this process is fully underwritten, this process is expected to catalyze $ 23 million of capital accelerating the deployment of Powerhive's solar mini-grids, funding approximately 150 new projects that will provide power to 175,000 people currently without electricity.

In addition to providing electricity to communities, Powerhive operates wealth generation programs. as an initiative of incubation of solar energy chickens "Kuku Poa". Putting available solar energy at the service of productive use boosts overall economic development and prosperity, ensuring that access to energy remains ever more affordable for customers who want it.

"The cryptocurrency community is made up of inspired individuals." Gain. "Our partnership with Powerhive underscores SUNEX's chip sales opportunity to support a crypto project aimed directly at reducing global inequality and the climate impact, "said Abraham Cambridge, founder and CEO of Sun Exchange." Together, we are working towards a world where no one is forced to cook with kerosene or dangerous wood stoves, none of them. child should not worry about how he will study after dark and the lack of access to energy stops spreading cycles of poverty. "

" In the course of last seven Years ago, Powerhive built a vertically integrated platform that allows us to identify, build and operate the highest quality solar mini-grids in Africa, "said Christopher Hornor, founder and CEO of Powerhive. . "At the heart of our projects, the communities we serve.

By first providing the energy platform and then overlaying it with productive use programs, we create a virtuous cycle of economic and personal empowerment that provides consistent benefits to our clients and our customers. investors. Our partnership with Sun Exchange will allow almost everyone to invest in innovative low-carbon development projects in Africa and beyond.

Thanks to Sun Exchange's micro-rental solar panel platform, virtually anywhere in the world. earn money while helping to bring clean, sustainable and affordable solar energy to organizations such as schools, small businesses, hospitals and NGOs in emerging markets. Sun Exchange is currently organizing a public token selling event for its new digital reward token, SUNEX, which aims to make the Sun Exchange user experience more lucrative and rewarding.

Published by Neo Sesinye
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