Death penalty for a Kenyan beauty queen who killed her boyfriend


A 24-year-old Kenyan beauty was sentenced to death for killing her boyfriend by stabbing him 25 times.

Ruth Kamande, who won a beauty pageant in prison pending trial, reduced her partner Farid Mohammed, 24 years old Sentencing judge Jessie Lesiit said, "I want young people to know that this It's not cool to kill your boyfriend or girlfriend even if you feel disappointed or frustrated – do not do it. 19659003] "Instead, it is cool to leave and then forgive."

The judge stated that Kamande demonstrated "manipulative" behavior that included access to the victim's mobile phone

]. attack that left "blood everywhere" the crime scene.

The judge continued, "I think that pbading another sentence than the prescribed sentence would turn the accused into a hero."

Amnesty International has called the phrase "cruel, inhuman and old-fashioned."

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The director of the human rights organization, Irungu Houghton, said: "This conviction is a blow to Kenya's progressive record in commuting death sentences to jail terms.

The victim's family insisted that the sentence correspond to the crime.

Mr. Mohammed's aunt, Emmah Wanjiku, said, "We are happy that this day has come and that his grandparents, his sister, have appeared in court.

"He had just started work when his life was cut short."

Kamande's lawyer, Joyner Okonjo, said that she would appeal the sentence.

Kenya has an effective ban on executing death sentences and no death sentences have been executed since 1987.

The Supreme Court ruled in December 2017 that the death penalty is mandatory for murder and murder. Armed robbery was unconstitutional, according to the Information Center on the Death Penalty. [1965900] 3] However, the death penalty remains in the statutes.

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