DIARY-Top Economic Events at August 29


July 7 (Reuters) –

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—————————— This newspaper is filed daily . ** Indicates new events ——————————

SUNDAY 8 JULY AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France – Participation of Benoît Cœure, member of the Executive Board of the ECB, in session 31 "What leadership for tomorrow?" At the Economic Meetings organized by the Circle of Economists in Aix-en-Provence, France – 08:30 GMT. [FRANCAIS] MONDAY, 9 JULY

** FRANKFURT – Peter Praet, Chief Economist of the ECB, makes an opening statement at the ECB Central Banking Seminar "Formulation and Implementation of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area" ". ** BRUSSELS – ECB President Mario Draghi makes an opening statement in his capacity as Chair of the ESRB at the ECON hearing in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, at 15:00 GMT. BRUSSELS – ECB President Mario Draghi addresses the ECON Committee of the European Parliament – 13:00 GMT.

TOKYO – Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda delivers a speech at the quarterly meeting of the Bank's regional branch directors.

PRIOR LAKE, Minneapolis – Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari makes a welcome speech at "Homeownership in Indian Country: Creating the Opportunity of Choice" – 1310 GMT. LONDON – The Bank of England is organizing a conference on economics and psychology: new ways of thinking about economic policy (until July 10). TUESDAY, 10 JULY

** SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Mary Daly, Executive Vice-President of the Federal Bank of San Francisco, discusses the economic and economic outlook in front of the Chartered Financial Analysts Society of San Francisco – 22:00 GMT

FRANKFURT, Germany – Speech by Sabine Lautenschlager, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB at the 9th ECB Statistical Conference "20 years of ESCB statistics: what evolution?" In Frankfurt, Germany – 17:00 GMT.


** PARIS – ECB policy-maker François Villeroy de Galhau speaks at an annual conference on financial services in Paris – 07:00 GMT.

** PARIS – French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire makes an annual speech to the financial sector at a conference in Paris – 10:30 GMT.

** LONDON – Sam Woods, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, will address the Treasury Select Committee – 14:00 GMT.

** PARIS – French Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and his German counterpart, Peter Altmaier, hold a joint press conference after talks in Paris – 17:00 GMT. [FRENCHFURTAllemagne-PeterPraetéconomisteenchefdelaBCEprésidelapremièresessiondelaneuvièmeconférencestatistiquedelaBCE"20ansdestatistiquesduSEBC:Quelleestlasuite?"ÀFrancfortenAllemagne-07h30GMT**FRANKFURTAllemagne-LemembredudirectoiredelaBCEYvesMerschparticipeàlapremièresessiondela9èmeconférencestatistiquedelaBCE"20ansdestatistiquesduSEBC:Quelleestlasuite?"ÀFrancfortenAllemagne-1200GMT**FRANKFURTAllemagne-DanieleNouymembredudirectoiredelaBCEprononceuneallocutiondeclôtureàl'occasiondelaneuvièmeconférencestatistiquedelaBCEintitulée"20ansdestatistiquesduSEBC:quelleévolution?"ÀFrancfort(Germany)-1530GMTFRANCFORGermany-SpeechbythePresidentoftheBCEMarioDraghiatheirneedtheconferenceoftheBCE"20yearsofstatisticsoftheSEBC:What'sthenextstep?"InFrancfortenGermany-07h00GMT

BOSTON, USA – The Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, speaks at a conference on the crisis global financial o organized in Mbadachusetts by the National Bureau of Economic Research of the United States. – 15:30 GMT

BRUSSELS – Austrian Finance Minister Hartwig Loger speaks at the European Parliament – 15:00 GMT. BROOKLYN, NY – New York Federal Reserve Bank President John Williams attends a Brooklyn Municipal Forum on issues related to the local economy and community and hand-building efforts – from work – 20:30 GMT.

OTTAWA – Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz and Bank of Canada Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins will hold a news conference to discuss the content of the Monetary Policy Report – 3:15 pm GMT. OTTAWA – Strategic Interest Rate Announcement and Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report – 14:00 GMT. FRANKFURT – Meeting of the Governing Council of the ECB. No interest rate announcement planned.


WORTHINGTON, Minnesota – The President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, Neel Kashkari, participates in the panel on immigration before the Worthington International Festival – 0000 GMT. ** BRUSSELS – ECB President Mario Draghi and ECB Executive Board member Benoit Coeure attend the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels, Belgium.

BEIRUT – Lebanon will host its 26th Arab Economic Forum. Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, and other senior economic and banking officials are expected to discuss local and regional issues (until 13 July). VICTOR, Idaho – Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank President Patrick Harker speaks at the 10th Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit of the Global Interdependence Center – 16:15 GMT. STOCKHOLM – The minutes of the Swedish central bank for monetary policy will be published – 0730 GMT.


** BRUSSELS – The Vice President of the European Central Bank, Luis de Guindos, takes part in the ECOFIN meeting in Brussels, Belgium.

LONDON – Zambian Finance Minister Mwanakatwe speaks at Chatham House – 0800 GMT.

KENDAL, UK – Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, Financial Stability, delivers a speech at the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce, Kendall – 1100 GMT. FALLS CHURCH, Virginia – Atlanta Federal Reserve Chairman Raphael Bostic attends an open-air discussion forum in front of the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants' northern section – 1630 GMT. BRUSSELS – Meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the EU. TUESDAY, 17 JULY

FARNBOROUGH, England – Bank of England Governor Mark Carney and Executive Director of the Financial Conduct Authority Andrew Bailey appear before the Treasury Committee to discuss the report on the financial stability of the BoE. WASHINGTON, DC – Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell gives semiannual testimony on the economy and monetary policy to the Senate Banking Committee – 14:00 GMT.


WASHINGTON D.C. – Federal Reserve publishes the Beige Book of the Economic Situation – 1800 GMT. FRIDAY, JULY 20 ** GLASGOW, Kentucky – The President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, James Bullard, gives a presentation on the US economy and monetary policy to the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce – 12:00 GMT.

TUESDAY 24 JULY BRUSSELS – Meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the EU.


FRANKFURT – The European Central Bank publishes monthly data on loans and money supply – 0800 GMT. THURSDAY 26 JULY FRANKFURT – Governing Council meeting of the ECB, followed by an announcement of interest rates. FRANKFURT – ECB President Mario Draghi holds a press conference after the interest rate meeting.

MONDAY 30 JULY TOKYO – The Bank of Japan holds a meeting on monetary policy (until 31 July).

TUESDAY, JULY 31 WASHINGTON, DC – The Federal Open Market Committee of the US Federal Reserve (FOMC) begins its two-day meeting on interest rates.


WASHINGTON D.C. – The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the US Federal Reserve announces a decision on the interest rate, followed by a statement – 1800 GMT.


** KYOTO, Japan – Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan, Masayoshi Amamiya, Speech at a meeting with business leaders in Kyoto – 01:30 GMT. LONDON – The Bank of England will release a report on inflation – 11:00 GMT.

TOKYO – The Bank of Japan publishes the minutes of its meeting on monetary policy on June 14th and 15th – 23:50 GMT. LONDON – Bank of England announces its decision on rates and publishes the minutes of the meeting – 11:00 GMT. TUESDAY 7 AUGUST TOKYO – The Bank of Japan will publish a summary of the views of Council members at its Policy Meeting on July 30-31 – 2350 GMT.


WELLINGTON – The Reserve Bank of New Zealand announces the official exchange rate (OCR) and the monetary policy statement.


OSLO – The Central Bank of Norway announces its decision on interest rates – 0800 GMT. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 WASHINGTON – The Federal Open Market Committee will release the minutes from July 31 to August. 1 policy meeting – 1800 GMT.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 STOCKHOLM – Speech by Kerstin Af Jochnick, First Deputy Governor of the Riksbank: The Role of Central Bank Money in the Payments Market of Tomorrow – 06:30 GMT. TUESDAY 28 AUGUST

FRANKFURT – The European Central Bank publishes monthly data on loans and money supply – 0800 GMT.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 STOCKHOLM – Meeting of the Riksbank Executive Office – 07:00 GMT. ——————————– ——–

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