Diocesan News of July 12, 2018


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Jubilarians Served in the Diocese

Two Sisters Celebrating Their Jubilee Served in the Diocese of Superior

Sisters of St Francis Sr. Rose Marie Peters celebrates her 70th birthday. Born in Chicago, she earned a Bachelor of Education degree from Alverno College in Milwaukee and a Master of Education degree from Clarke University in Dubuque. In the diocese of Superior, she taught at the Glidden Most Precious Blood School from 1958 to 1964. She is retired and is currently working at the Ministry of Prayer and Presence at Maria Linden Senior Apartments in Milwaukee. Inez Wilmering celebrates his 75th birthday. Born in Mishawaka, Indiana, she made her perpetual vows on June 24, 1948. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from St. Louis University, St. Louis, and served at St. Mary, Superior, as well as many times. hospitals in Illinois and Indiana. Retirement, she currently lives at Catherine Kasper House, Donaldson, Indiana, where she continues to serve as a volunteer.

New priest serving in the diocese

Yeruva Papi Reddy, ordained on April 3, 1995, in the diocese of Warangal, India, arrived in the diocese of Superior at the end of June. He will serve as a parish administrator in the parishes of Glidden, Mellen, Highbridge and Sanborn. He replaces Father Simon Reddy Boyapati, who will return to India in July

Healing Service at Superior

The Ministerium of the Upper Region organizes a prayer service for the Twin Ports and the Husky refinery in the light from the fire of April 28 and explosion. The service is at 18:30. Tuesday, July 24, United Presbyterian Church, 28th Street, Superior.

Bishop's Secretary Retires

Patricia Wildenberg, Executive Secretary of Bishop James P. Powers, retired on June 30th. Wildenberg has been in the diocese of Superior since 1992 and has served with three career bishops. Diocese of Superior Chancellor Deb Lieberg is the executive secretary of the bishop.

Guilty Plea in a Misappropriation Case

Deb Marcellus, Former Director of St. Joseph's Development, Rice Lake, Pleaded Guilty of Fraud and False Income Tax Filing in the United States District Court. She was accused of stealing $ 818,000 from the church and not reporting this income on her taxes. She will be sentenced on October 2 in Madison

Dan Blank, director of administrative services for the diocese of Superior, made this statement on behalf of the diocese: "This plea of ​​guilty advances the case of a no more towards the fence.However, it is not easy to just close the impact of the huge theft of money – and trust. Bishop Powers and Father Ed Anderson has much merit for representing the church and attending a very moving audience, where Ms. Marcellus made statements admitting her guilt and expressing her remorse for betraying Mgr. steal the church.I hope everyone in the diocese will continue to pray for justice, and for Ms. Marcellus, and especially to pray for and support Bishop Ed and the Rice Lake congregation as they, and all of us are recovering from this horrible affair. "

Tholics in Green Bay

Catholic Communicators Representing Newspapers, Magazines, Book Publishers, Broadcasters and Websites North America and beyond were in Green Bay from June 13 to 15 for the Catholic Media Conference. The three-day conference, organized by the Catholic Press Association and the journal of the Diocese of Green Bay, The Compbad, is held at the KI Convention Center. The keynote speaker this year was Nataša Govekar, Ph.D., director of the theological-pastoral department of the Vatican Communications Secretariat. Anita Draper, editor / journalist of Superior Catholic Herald, and Marcy Kasper, office manager / editorial badistant

NCCW Leadership Training

The Women's Leadership Training and Development Team of the Council National will present a training day from 9am to 3pm Saturday, August 4, at Marie, Church Mother's parish, La Crosse. The purpose of the event is to bring together Catholic women to listen, discuss, learn and share how leadership works together. The cost is $ 30 and includes lunch. More at sdccw.me.

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