DJ Creme's sister opens an incurable condition she suffers


DJ Creme De La Creme's sister, Mary Murugi, made the bold decision to talk about rheumatoid arthritis – a medical condition she suffers from.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the body's tissues affecting the lining of the joints and causing painful swelling that can eventually lead to bone erosion and joint deformity. [sic]

  DJ Cream Cream and sister Mary Murugi

DJ Cream Cream and sister Mary Murugi

"November 9,2017, is a day that everything has changed.It took a wound to the gym to trigger an I was born with: rheumatoid arthritis.Strong back pain required spine surgery to replace my herniated disc, L5, S1.I was recovering from surgery when my back pain and swelling of the body m 39 did go for further tests.
sitting in my doctor's room with mixed feelings while he was giving me this shocking news, that I had rheumatoid arthritis, and since she started at the age of 7, she was juvenile (Still's disease) .I would get out of there.I am a hard girl, no tears.I knew that arthritis is only that badociated with old age and causes deformities (osteoarthritis) I did not know not that there was another guy that I had, it's basically a malfunction of your immune system.I was CLUELESS what rheumatoid arthritis is, I did not know that Someone's own immune system could attack your own body tissue, surrounding the joints. How can your own body destroy itself? My first place to be attacked is the backbone, "writes Mary Murugi


No cure for rheumatoid arthritis, physical therapy and medications only help to slow the progression of the disease The treatment is however very expensive, Mary spends at least 350,000 Kes per month in treatment

  Mary Murugi at the hospital

Mary Murugi at the hospital

"As I was digesting the shock, I look at the prescription He explained that the disease, RA had no cure, my heart sank, but is manageable thanks to various drugs that can be severe, namely a chemotherapy treatment given at low doses.
I was like what. Chemotherapy, how? Yes, it is used to manage RA as it alters the abnormal behavior of cells. It was the beginning of rheumatoid arthritis management. I need to take 7 pills a day to prevent my body from inflate, prevent joint damage, and manage severe pain.
Thanks to my impressive medical insurance, I recover my life, the medications relieve me and my quality of life has improved. The monthly salary costs about Ksh 350,000. of a given monthly injection that is administered as an inpatient.
✔Methotrexate / (Leflunomide) 20mg-Maladie Modifying Anti-rheumatic, suppresses my hyperactive immune system.
✔Golimumab (Simponi) 50mg injection -Remove my system by binding excess protein.
✔ Oxycodone (Oxycontin) 20mg-Opiod badgesic that manages severe pain.
✔Celebrex (Celecoxib) 400mg-Anti Inflammatory, Reduces Inflammation.More Vitamins, Calcium and Vitamin D3 -Live Positive With Rheumatoid Arthritis – "

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