DNA samples become negative in the rape investigation Moi Girls – Mediamax Network Limited


The rape case investigation at Moi Girls School in Nairobi appears to have peaked as the preliminary results of the 107 DNA samples collected became negative

. All teachers and workers who were in the vicinity of the school on the day of the demonstration were cleared in the alleged rape case.

Nicholas Kamwende, Nairobi Regional Director, said yesterday that all teachers and laborers samples taken for badysis have been cleared since.

He stated that the samples did not match those taken from the student, but that he had given warnings saying that they hurt families and victims

. ] The investigations are still ongoing, but it will be back to the drawing board after the government chemist has published the results of the samples taken.

"Let us avoid speculation and preemptive remarks that hurt the Mily fa .. The investigators are determined on this case," said Kamwende

. Contradictory reports of what happened that night have, however, been advanced by various quarters. This dealt a blow to the detectives who bet on the result to conclusively resolve the case that caused a public outcry when it was reported last month.

The school was subsequently closed for a week and Amina Mohamed, secretary of the Board of Education, dissolved the board . In addition, Amina ordered that students, teachers, workers and all visitors entering the school be subject to checks 24 hours a day to enhance the safety of the school.

All non-teaching staff including cooks, cleaners and librarians were re-examined. The director of the school, Jael Mureithi, was forced to take early retirement.

The police investigated the circumstances in which the Form Two student was allegedly attacked around 2 am while she was visiting latrines in the school compound.

Even before dust settled on Moi Girls, reports revealed that the Maasai Girls High School was closed after students protested against alleged badual harbadment by male teachers

. In the new guidelines, a person convicted of badually badaulting a minor – under the age of 10 – faces life imprisonment. Defilement of a minor over the age of 10 will result in a term of imprisonment of at least 10 years with the possibility of extending life imprisonment.

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