Do not be left behind: emerging trends in hospitality technology for the hospitality industry


Not so long ago, all hotels had the same verification procedures, the same television channels and the same general experience. However, it could not last forever and the era of digital technologies has introduced new service standards. People are looking for customization and automated solutions. A third of all hotel guests in the world are millennials and experts predict that they will account for more than 50% of customers in two years. They want to make reservations from their smartphones, they are looking for a stable network and a practical minimalist design. The hotel industry as we know it will change forever, and if you want your business to withstand these changes, you must follow the latest trends.

What Industry Leaders Say

It's impossible to ignore the latest hi-tech solutions when you want to please your customers. For example, AI technologies are conquering more and more industries every day. We still can not relax and drink badtails while the IA is looking for a hotel and making reservations, but artificial intelligence is a new technology that has turned out to be promising. Hotels that do not want to lag behind have already started using it.

Hilton Worldwide is a good example. This company introduced an AI-led concierge in 2016. They called this robot Connie. It is based on a powerful IBM Watson computer. Connie can help visitors in many ways, by describing the features of the hotel, making recommendations on dining and suggesting attractions. He welcomes guests, answers questions and learns constantly. The more he interacts with customers, the more intelligent he becomes and the more useful his suggestions are.

Jonathan Wilson, vice president of Hilton Worldwide, says his team "is focused on reinventing the travel experience to make it smarter and easier and more enjoyable for guests. "IBM's Rob High notes," This project with Hilton and WayBlazer represents a significant shift in human-computer interaction, made possible by the incarnation of Watson.Watson's cognitive computing. " Connie helps understand and respond to the needs and interests of Hilton's clients – which is a particularly powerful experience in a hospitality context, where it can lead to deeper customer engagement. "If now you can talk to the AI ​​concierge, what else should we expect from the hotel industry in the near future?

Top-5 New Hotel Technology Trends

  1. Smart Guest Rooms – Smart homes are not new, and the majority of millennials are looking for the same experience when choosing a hotel. In the near future, everyone can reserve a specific room of a certain size, with a certain type of floor, some lighting, etc. Customers will control the air conditioning and lights by tapping the screen a few times. Obviously, hotels also need to rethink the design, including the accessible sockets in each part of the room so that their customers can easily charge all their devices.
  2. More Data – Data collection technologies offer countless opportunities for hotels to improve their customer experience. Nearly 50% of resorts and hotels are now looking for new ways to collect data from their guests. This task involves badyzing the guest reviews, search engines and cloud services of a hotel. If you do not know where to start, we suggest you record information such as the most popular requests, the most frequently ordered drinks and booking methods.
  3. Energy Conservation – Energy is one of the most important costs, so the majority of large companies focus on the effective management of the energy. energy. Smart technologies allow hotels to monitor energy consumption and improve energy performance. Hilton has already started collecting data from more than 4,500 hotels and Interel has gone even further by monitoring water consumption. Their guests can control the temperature and flow of water using special smart panels that also include an eco mode.
  4. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality – RV technologies allow customers to navigate in a hotel before deciding they will stay there. It's also the occasion for a hotel to tell a captivating story and make the best presentation possible. The Premier Inn Hub Hotel has also found a great way to use augmented reality technology by placing special cards in the rooms. Their customers can point a smartphone to the map and see interesting local places.
  5. Mobile Technologies – Mobile devices have changed the way customers interact with hotels, and they must interact with customers in the same way. . Nobody wants to wait. Immediate mobile bookings, check-ins, and even mobile keys are the latest trends that are gaining popularity at a breakneck pace. Mobile registrations help hotels eliminate lines and mobile keys increase security because hotels get more information about visitors who use them.

Today's hotels focus on personalization, local experiences and inspiration. Modern travelers put these factors first and the hotel industry is changing to meet their expectations. New technical solutions not only allow hotels to attract more customers, but also create a totally new, memorable and authentic experience.

Berta Melder
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