DP Ruto confirms its commitment to deliver election promises


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<p><strong>  Vice President William Ruto reiterated the government's commitment to keeping its election promises. </strong></p>
<p>  Ruto says the jubilee government is eager to promote unity and ensure Kenyans benefit from various development projects. </p>
<p>  This comes as a section of Narok County legislators called on the government to compensate people who have authentic land titles in the Mau </p>
<p>  The Vice President led more than 30 deputies the burial of Kigumo's mother MP Ruth Mwaniki in Murang on Tuesday </p>
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Addressing the mourners, Ruto He reiterated the commitment of the Jubilee Administration to implement his development plan

He said that his only mission, and this The president's role now is to make sure that the country remains united.

plan, the jubilant rulers in the company of the vice president would reaffirm their determination to ensure that the two leaders remain united beyond 2022.

The promise comes amid demands for compensation from some Settlers from the Mau Forest

A number of lawmakers in Narok County have urged the government to consider paying back those who have real property documents.

Members also call for action against public servants who have presided over the government. on their establishment in a clbadified forest territory

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