DP Ruto warns leaders against incitement


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<p><strong>  Vice President William Ruto has asked executives to stop using words that may incite members of the public to some against others. </strong></p>
<p>  In Kilifi County, where he was accompanied by more than 14 deputies, Mr. Ruto declared that the rulers' role should be to cement relations rather than to create divisions in society [19659004"Asleaderswehavetherighttotalkaboutissuesthataffectpeoplebecauseourprimarydutyistoservethembutwemustalwaysspeaktoeachotherwithrespectandrespect"</p>
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The Vice President noted that he would intensify his efforts in ensuring that Kenya is Transformed.

let's leave no part of this country behind e. We will ensure that Kenyans have better roads and well-equipped health facilities. We also support educational institutions to boost enrollment and expand household electricity connections. "

The leaders accompanying the Vice President stated that he was best placed to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta because of his desire for a better Kenya." They included MPs Suleiman Dori (Msambweni) , Aisha Jumwa (Malindi), Ali Mbogo (Kisauni), Owen Baya (Kilifi North), Shariff Ali Athman (Lamu East), Badi Twalib (Jomvu), Kbadim Ali Sawa (Matuga), Jones Mlolwa (Voi), Said Buya Hiribae (Galole), Benjamin Tayari (Kinango) and Paul Katana (Kaloleni).

Others were the women's representative Kilifi Gertrude Mbeyu, Senators Anwar Loitiptip (Lamu) and Christine Zawadi (Kilifi, nominee). [19659004] Coastal leaders observed that by rallying with Ruto, they whitened Kenya's political fabric from that of ethnicity to that of inclusion.

"Our problems were the result of the kind of (old) politics we have played. But when you see us with the Vice President, know that this is the new road we are taking for a better future for our children, "said Jumwa.

Legislator Malindi said that the DP's visits in the region was the result of the many challenges "we are undergoing."

His statement was supported by Dori, who called on the people of the coastal region to stop the usual crying that they were forgotten and marginalized

"The leaders wondered why some politicians wanted to criticize Ruto's tours in the country, observing that they would not bow to threats." Mlolwa said, "The handshake between Kenyatta and Raila Odinga gave us a nod to work with the Jubilee government, so who said we could not be with Ruto and support him? We are with the vice president because Baba said, we do not stop Do not go on this trip because what we want is a better Kenya. "

The deputy from Jomvu said that the coastal region would never support the opposition

" We will be in the government in 2022 led by Ruto "he said.

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