DPP Noordin Hajji oders for the arrest and prosecution of the former county chief on the illegal supply :: Kenya


Daniel Waithaka, former governor of Nyandarua County. [Photo/Courtesy]

Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Hajji has ordered the arrest and prosecution of former Nyandarua County Governor Daniel Waithaka, along with other county officials in connection with an offer fraudulent.

A statement from the DPP office sent to the press room puts Mr. Daniel Waithaka on the spot for a violation of public procurement laws when they procured a business to design a project. water and sewerage.


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This indicates that Nyandarua County has violated public procurement laws and regulations when it awarded tenders to M / S Tahal Consulting Engineers May 15, 2016.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission determined that the county government had made mistakes in the continuation of the county water master plan project because it did not meet the various requirements of the process. .

Some of the notable mistakes that the county made were that the government had no funds or plan in place for the project, according to the 2013/2014 fiscal year.

M / S Tahal Consulting Engineers also failed to reach the threshold required to complete the project, reveals the statement. At the time the contract was signed on April 20, 2014, the company was not even registered.

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This according to the DPP office made the payment of Sh50m to the company illegal.

The results of the EACC reveal that the county has paid the offer in two installments. More than Sh23m was paid to the company on July 2, 2014, with another installment adding to more than Sh26m paid on September 4, 2015.

On May 22, 2018, the EACC recommended the continuation of former county chief Daniel Waithaka, county executive committee member in the water and environment Grace Gitonga, County officers Kihiu Gaiko, Jesse Mwangi and John Ngigi.

Apart from the M / S Tahal Consulting Engineers are two others: Chen Yochanan Ofer and Albert Attias who will face charges of economic crimes and fraudulent acquisition of public property.


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