Eclipse 2018: What is the meaning of Blood Moon? Does it mean the end of the world? | Bizarre | New


The next total lunar eclipse, often called the moon of blood, because of the reddish hue taken by the full moon, will take place on July 27th.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon pbades through the shadow of the Earth and prevents any direct sunlight from illuminating the moon's surface.

However, some sunlight directly reaches the lunar surface, via the Earth's atmosphere, bathing the moon with a reddish, yellow or orange glow.

The Blood Moon has a lot of spiritual meaning and there are many prophecies that mean the end of the world.

The Book of Joel 2: 30-31 writes, "I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood, fire, and pillars of smoke."

"The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon in blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. "

Acts 2: 19-20:" And I will show wonders in heaven, and signs in heaven underneath; blood, and fire, and smoke vapor. The sun will be changed into darkness, and the moon into blood, before this great and remarkable day of the Lord comes. "

There is a belief in the Jewish text if there is an eclipse, it is a sign of anger coming on Israel and in the case of a blood moon eclipse, it is a sign of a coming sword.

The Prophecy of the Blood Moon is a series of apocalyptic beliefs that is promoted by the end-time preachers

. four consecutive lunar eclipses, coinciding with Jewish holidays, with six full moons between the two and no intermediate partial lunar eclipse is a sign of the beginning of the end of time.

However the tetrad has ended with l & # 39; Lunar eclipse on September 27. Astrologers believe that an eclipse has an effect on people's emotions and as the total lunar eclipse of July 2018 is the longest lunar eclipse of this century, it does not that he intensify his cosmic energy.

Astrologer Jamie Partridge tells Bustle : "The lunar eclipse of July 2018 is primarily influenced by Mars, making it an emotionally difficult eclipse." The anger and frustration of Mars could easily turn to reckless actions because of an appearance hard to Uranus. A softer influence of Saturn will make it a little easier to calm down, and some fixed stars give patience and determination in a crisis.

"However, these same stars can also cause aggression and emotional problems."

means the end of the world?

There are apocalyptic preachers who believe in a blood moon and so July 27 means the end of the word and is an imminent sign that the end of the world is coming.

a blood moon and so July 27 means the end of the word and is an imminent sign that the end of the world is approaching.

However, Indiana-based Christian preacher believes that July 27th is not the end of the world.

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