Embu farmers receive SMS alerts on pests and diseases


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<p><strong>  Horticulturists and Growers of commercial crops in Embu County are now able to contain the spread of pests and diseases by receiving early warnings through space technology. </strong></p>
<p>  Space services technology offered by a space-based technology company in the United Kingdom will use data from satellite and extension agents in the field.The spread of diseases and pests such as fall armyworm was mainly accelerated by the limited access of critical information by farmers . </p>
<p>  That is why the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization and a space technology company have started a 5-year project that will see the Farmers receive alerts on disease and pest outbreaks via their mobile phones </p>
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The program will enable decision-makers and researchers to track pests at all times and know their life cycle and pbad on information to farmers to take appropriate action.

Meanwhile, a section of the macadamia farmers of Embu County They are asking the government to lift the ban on exporting raw nuts in order to allow them to sell their products to any willing buyer .

They claim that the ban stifles their business while benefiting some local nut processors who offer mediocre prices. To buyers from South Africa or Zimbabwe.

In addition, the Kenya Ports Authority has received four new gantry cranes to improve freight handling for Standard Gauge Railways freight services. Daniel Manduku, Acting Managing Director of KPA, says that cranes will improve the efficiency of cargo clearing.

They were among the six cranes ordered in China for a total cost of 2.12 billion shillings, the first two arriving in May this year.


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