Europa's Subsurface Ocean Could Climb to the Surface, Suggests a Study


A mbadive underground ocean lies deep beneath the Europa moon of Jupiter. This buried ocean is considered one of the most promising places in our solar system that could house life. Recently, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory conducted simulations on many scenarios and showed how Europa's icy surface could carry groundwater to the moon's surface

. The bands on Europa are usually tens of miles wide and hundreds of miles long and represent a widespread break in fracking. A two-dimensional simulation of a possible cross-section of a band crossing the Europa ice cap shows that it can fracture the moon's surface due to gravitational interactions with Jupiter.

#DidYouKnow Jupiter Europa's moon has an ocean below its icy shell? This animation shows how pieces of ocean can reach the moon 's surface after hundreds, even millions of years. Details: – NASA (@NASA) July 5, 2018

"The cold and fragile ice on the separated surface. At the same time, faults in the upper ice are forming, healing and reforming. "NASA's release says:" The churning material that quickly fills the lower half of the view is a collection of tiny white dots representing L & Ocean of Europe which has been frozen in the bottom of the ice floe of Europa (where the liquid ocean is in contact with the frozen shell) … the pieces of ocean trapped in the pack ice of Europe spend hundreds, even millions of years have been brought to the surface. "

Europa has long been a high priority for exploration because of the presence of 39, an ocean of liquid water under its ice crust and even some form of life. The ocean of Europe has an estimated depth of 40 to 100 miles and it lies beneath a shell of probably 10 to 15 miles of thick ice. NASA's next mission, called Europa Clipper, will examine the composition of Jupiter's frozen moon and determine whether Europa is habitable, with the necessary ingredients to support life.

The mission of Europa Clipper is scheduled to be launched in 2022 and will not reach the Jupiter system before a trip of several years. Upon arrival, the spacecraft would orbit Jupiter and use advanced instruments to study her moon. If Europa behaves as the simulation suggests, it could carry oceanic material to the surface of the moon and this material could be badyzed by the pbading spacecraft.

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