On May 2, Mrs. Wairi wrote to the Kenya Railways boss, Atanas Maina, demanding payment of 930,528 shillings for the work and equipment used by the railways.
Twenty days before she left as Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) Executive Director, Catherine Wairi wrangled with Kenya Railways by sending a scathing letter of request to the highest officials on the railroad. .
KPA asks Sh930m to Kenya Railways
On May 2, she writes to KR's chief executive, Atanas Maina, demanding payment of Sh330,528,000 for the work and equipment used by the railways to load and Carry freight on the standard rail freight service. .
Incidentally, Mr. Maina is a director of the board of directors who dismissed Ms. Wairi at a night meeting on May 30, although he did not attend the meeting. meeting (council) that day.
His dismissal is now the subject of two lawsuits and one of the arguments relied upon is that the engineer who attended the council meeting was not empowered to do so and to vote.
Ice Relation
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It is unclear why Ms. Wairi chose the avenue of writing to ask for money or if she had tried other means, including asking the Ministry of Transportation to Forcing KR to pay its debt. But this demand illustrates the complex and chilly relationship between KPA and KR following the introduction of the freight service.
In the May 2 letter, Ms. Wairi says, "The purpose of this letter is to ask you to remit Sh930,528,000 being the January january labor and equipment charge. 2018 to March 2018. "
She seems anxious to remind the boss of KR that KPA had supported the freight service SGR, including the construction of port rescue lines for the launch of the service in January and its operation.
"KPA also revised its rates to encourage customers to use the RMS," she wrote, adding that when the freight service was launched, KR had to handle freight at the marshalling yard. by a designated operator. 19659003]
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Apparently, KR did not appoint the operator or live on his other obligations. Instead, KPA has seconded its employees and its equipment to KR 's disposal under a financial agreement with the expectation that KR would reimburse.
Yesterday, Daniel Manduku, Acting Director General of KPA, reacted to the reports, saying that KPA and KR are government agencies and the question of who should who should not happen.
"We have our own payment mechanisms, we work for KR or even Kenya's national road authorities (Kenha), so it's not a problem," said Dr. Manduku.
He said that the money in question belonged to the National Treasury and it does not matter whether it is in the right or left pocket.
According to the letter, KR did not pay this money from January to March and it accumulated the equivalent of Sh5, 184 thousand for the KPA supervision staff detached to the freight service, Sh 8640 000 for employees, Sh4,184,000 for dockers and Sh4,320,000 for serangs.
The letter states that KPA deployed reach stacker and terminal tractors at KR to badist the freight service for which Sh 259, 200 000 and Sh488 000 000 remained unpaid respectively by KR at the beginning of May.
Officially, Ms. Wairi's dismissal was imputed to incompetence and the inability to decongest the port's container depot. In the days leading up to his departure, the Kenya Revenue Authority's computer clearing systems also collapsed, making it impossible to export goods from the port.
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Escrow Account
Reports indicate that KPA and KR, which operate SGR trains, have not worked together to achieve the same objectives since the launch of the freight service earlier this year.
Other reports indicate that the two parastatals deferred on the management of an alleged escrow account created at the bank money raised RMS freight services to pay the loan borrowed from the Chinese to build the railroad.
This revelation comes as Manduku's two-month term as interim MD terminates, and as a result of a decision rendered on July 5 by the High Court of Mombasa to authorize the Commission of 39, ethics and anti-corruption. investigate how a private company acquired a first-rate property owned by KPA.
Following her eviction, Ms. Wairi allegedly claimed that she was frustrated or sabotaged by other public bodies also operating in the port.
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