Governors launch bid to take control of tea companies


Interview by TOM MATOKE
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The governors of the tea producing regions of the Rift Valley want to buy multinational tea companies whose leases have expired.

The rulers of Nandi, Bomet and Kericho demand compensation from the British government for the forced eviction of local communities in the colonial era to pave the way for the creation of multinational tea companies .

Land leases for most companies have expired Nandi's governor, Stephen Sang, and his colleague from Kericho, Paul Chepkwony, on Wednesday called for the creation of a state-owned company to manage tea multinationals whose the leases have expired for the benefit of local communities. . "It is unfortunate that displaced families continue to live in deplorable conditions after being expelled from their ancestral lands and subjected to torture by British colonialists in the process of creating multinational tea companies," said Mr. Sang [19659008]. he's been talking to British Deputy High Commissioner Susie Kitchen about expired land leases. This follows similar discussions with Professor Chepkwony

Governor Sang added that the county badembly has started the process of seeking compensation for the expulsion of the Nandi community and the torture, including the murder of their leader Koitalel Samoei. The county sought the services of internationally renowned lawyers, including Karim Khan who represented Vice President William Ruto in the ICC case, and 10 others

According to Mr. Sang, the county will not accept apologies from the UK government.

Professor Chepkwony sued the British government for atrocities against the Kipsigis community, including deportation to establish the tea companies.

But according to Ms. Kitchen, the British government is committed to resolving the dispute without forcing the relationship between the two countries. "We urge tea companies to support local communities through their CSR and as a government, we will continue to provide capacity building for women, youth and people with disabilities," said Kitchen. = function () {FB.init ({appId: & # 39; 174023979648743 & # 39 ;, xfbml :! 0, version: & quot; v2.5 & quot;)}; (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = "";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs)}(document,'script',&#39 ; facebook-jssdk & # 39;)) [ad_2]
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