Governors take up arms to limit the cost of homes


Governors protested the Senate's decision to cap the cost of official residences of county chiefs at 45 million shillings, claiming that the House did not have the power to budget

The Senate had proposed the ceiling following protests over the ridiculous costs of building the official residences of governors, some counties having proposed to spend between 100 and 300 million Sh on official residences. they are not mandated to make budgets for the counties. It is uninformed for the Senate to reject the county's shared cost proposals and put a cap of 45 million shillings to build the governors' official residence, "said Thursday the chairman of the board of governors, Josphat Nanok [19659003MrNanoksaidthatitwasnotpersonalbutstatepropertyandthatitwasimportantto"recognizethatthecountiesaredifferentandthereforehavespecialneedsandvariousresources"

In the estimates described as" too generous "by Mohamed Muhamud The Kirinyaga County Budget and Finance Committee set aside 100 million shillings for the construction of the governor's residence, Embu has allocated 75 million Sh and Isiolo 60 million shillings, official residence of the governor while he also allocated Sh 200 million for the construction of the President's residence. Shillings illions at the residence of the president, Uasin Gishu Sh80 million while Garissa has allocated Sh 75 million.

On the ongoing debate about the immunity of governors, county chiefs fell back yesterday on their request in the office, saying rather that such arrests and prosecutions should follow the law.

"Appointing a governor to court and depriving him of his bail to attract the attention of the media and the public is completely unnecessary and in bad faith. Governors are not accountants. Corruption is a dragon that should be killed in accordance with the law and not the public lynching, "said Nanok in the statement.

But when the public trust is broken by the governor, said Nanok, measures should be taken against them.

"It is worth pointing out that the rulers do not claim in any way the non-prosecution of economic and financial crimes. The war on corruption must respect the existing laws and the legal procedures must be followed. "

In the area of ​​health, the rulers promised to protect him, saying that any discussion to return him to the national government was misguided.

"Instead of having a discussion on how to bring back some components of health to the national government, the Senate and the National Assembly should consider how to properly fund health services counties so that counties could offer them optimally. "calling for a debate on state agencies he said were receiving" colossal budgets "to perform county duties.

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