Griefing Msando Widow sends a tearful message to the killers of the husband


  Eve of Mr. Chris Msando, Eve, with relatives at a memorial service for the killed IEBC official at Christ the King Church, Embakasi, Nairobi on July 29, 2018 PHOTO | ANTHONY OMUYA Widow of Mr. Chris Msando, Eve, with relatives at a memorial service for the killed official of the IEBC at Christ the King Church, Embakasi, Nairobi on the 29th July 2018. PHOTO | ANTHONY OMUYA


The tears of a mother were the culmination of a memorial service held on Saturday on the occasion of the mysterious death of Mr. Chris Msando, ICT Director of the Electoral Commission

M. Msando was killed a few days before the general election last year.

His widow, Mrs. Eva Buyu, shed tears at the church as she opened the fight to raise their four children alone.

"One day we will sing," she told her mother-in-law before the crowd gathered at the Catholic Church of Christ the King in Embakasi.

"One day, we'll say it, but now I can not say it's good, that's not the case."

Leading remarks about her husband's killers she said their day of account would come.

"I know you're still watching, I know you could probably be here, but I know you'll always be watching What I can tell you, and I'll tell you again, you'll continue to


Tears also invaded the eyes of Mr. Msando's mother, Mary, outside of the church. while she was showing the media letters she had written to the ambbadadors of the United States and the United Kingdom, asking for help to solve the enigma of her son's death

In a letter dated January 28 to the US Embbady, ​​she pleaded: "

In a letter to the British High Commissioner on January 29, she said:" We are disappointed with the slow pace of this investigation, and no one has been prosecuted so far for this case. cts hitherto stopped humiliated our minds. "

US Ambbadador Robert Godec and British High Commissioner Nic Hailey responded with a similar message: they had offered to help investigate the murder but were not welcome." The United Kingdom is with you in your quest for justice for your son, "said Mr. Hailey in his letter of February 14.

" I share your concerns about the slow pace of the investigation, and I'm I also asked for an update on the state of the investigation, "replied Mr. Godec in a letter of February 23.


Inside the church, the 79-year-old mother died of Mr. Msando

"For a year, I have not left his grave. I was there, "she said in a statement read by her daughter Pamela.

" Kenya has remained silent, the church has remained silent, all those involved have remained silent. I did not keep silent as a mother. I have been pained and I have taken quietly relevant steps to see that justice is done to my son, "adds the mother.

The slowness of the investigation was l? Calling the family Mr. Msando and his older brother, Tom. "I remember looking for his car at the DCI headquarters and the police told us that she was still using it for Investigate, "said the police.He told the Sunday Nation on the outside of the church." Then the car was released without any words. That's where we are. Nothing good has happened until here. "

" We leave that to the government and we probably hope and pray for the fence. "The party was attended by Mr. Msando's family, friends, politicians and human rights defenders.

Politicians spoke after Mbad and demanded that the death of M Msando is included in the "Building Bridges" initiative launched by President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga


"While the The initiative continues, that the first bridge be built at the door of Mr. Chris Msando, so that President Kenyatta and Mr. Odinga extend an olive branch to members of Mr. Msando's family. " said the secretary general of the Orange Democratic Movement, Edwin Sifuna: "We want you to extend handshake to Eva and her children … We celebrate Mr. Msando as a hero because we know that the people who have him tortured before the murder were after something. "

Also present at the office was Mr. George Kegoro, the executive director of the Kenya Human Rights Commission

Few hours before the memorial, Dr. Roselyn Akombe, a former commissioner of the Independent Commission on Elections and Frontiers (IEBC), had evoked the impact of the death of Mr. Msando

. "It's a year, but our questions about who brutally tortured and murdered Chris s & rsquo; # 39; linger. It is clear, however, that the trajectory of the 2017 elections would not have been the same if you were alive Chris. His message echoed the many tributes written on books outside the church, where friends and family of Mr. Msando wrote their messages.

"It is incomprehensible that nothing has been said to the family a year after the burial of a person who has been eliminated in the most inhumane way," said the nephew of Mr. Msando, Mr. Jacob Oduor.

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